30. Intertwining fate

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Splish splash splish splash. And a long silence.

Are they gone yet? Axel thought. He opened his eyes cautiously and glanced around. Yup, they're gone.

Axel winced as he stood up, shivering, "Close call," he mumbled, flinging away the branch which was snapped into half.

Back when the Arbok wrapped around him, he was still gripping the branch, and lucky for him, the branch, which couldn't withstand the impact, snapped into half. So, he decided to go with it and pretended to pass out.

What a simple minded bunch, to think that I would break my spine that easily. I bet I'd suffocate before breaking my spine. He scoffed. But, now that they're gone, I just have to find out where Zeraora is before they do.

Axel leaned against a rock and reached for his back pocket. Oh darn, I left everything behind at the Pokemon Center. Now it's just up to me and my brain. He thought as he closed his eyes and tried to think.

A bunch of thoughts rolled into his brain like a landslide. Thoughts about his recent loss. Thoughts about Llade running away. Thoughts about what a useless trainer he is.

No, it's no use. I can't think straight. Axel, calm down. Calm down and try to clear you mind and focus. Stop thinking how you want to dig a hole, stay in it and sulk for the rest of the day. Think about Zeraora. You promised that you will protect it.

He tried to shove all his negative thoughts away and focused on his memories of being with Zeraora. Meeting Zeraora. Hiding it in his closet. Lying to his mum about being sick and insisted on staying in his room for the whole day. Locking the door so his mum won't find out about Zeraora. Sneaking out through the window to find Pecha berries during the day and sneaking back in. Sharing berries with Zeraora. And... how upset he was when Zeraora left one day.

Zeraora...  Axel thought as he walked through the forest.

I wonder why it left...


Axel climbed over the fence carefully, setting down the bag of Pecha Berries he was carrying.

'Don't come out no matter what' was what he told Zeraora. It wouldn't be great if anyone finds it. Which is why he had it live in the cave where they first met when it recovered. After all, there's this no trespassing rule at Professor Oak's lab (which he had ignored), meaning that unauthorised personnel should not enter this premise.  Zeraora should be safe in here, and he even made sure that the Pokemon here got along with it, so it wouldn't feel lonely when he wasn't around.

Of course, he would come over to see it whenever he had time to do so, which is, almost every day. They would read a book together while sharing the berries, then play with the Pokemon, and sometimes even do experiments.

Just when he was thinking about what to do with Zeraora today, someone pushed him on the back roughly.

"Eep!" He squeaked as he stumbled forward.

"Sneaking around the lab? I thought you were up to no good!" Cyprus snickered, grabbing him by the collar.

Axel glanced around, making sure that there aren't any traces of Zeraora's presence. If Cyprus happens to spot it, he'll certainly battle it. Of course, Zeraora would win, but then Cyprus would go off talking about it with that foul mouth of his.

"What're you looking at!" Cyprus hissed at him, shoving him to the ground.

Axel scampered upright, shuffling nervously and edging over to the bag of berries, "N... nothing..."

Kalos Quest (Vol. 1): Beginning Where stories live. Discover now