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No One POV

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No One POV.

→ It is been a week since the date and confession and the four is really happy with their love life and everything going good for them. Today the three is hanging out without tobio since kageyama said that they should hang out once in a while without the girl.

Kageyama is just scrolling in her phone when the bokuto and akaashi text her saying:

[Private chat between bokuto and kageyama.]


_Hi bokuto - san?
What do you need?

_I just want to ask if you are free today me and akaashi wants to tell something 😁

_Oh yes i am free today bokuto - san.

_Okay! Can we meet?!

_Yes bokuto - san 😊.

(a/n - bokuto and akaashi is already dating in this au 😊)

[Private chat with akaashi and kageyama]

_Hi kageyama.

_Hi akaashi - san 😊

_Did bokuto - san said it already?

_Uhmm..yeah 😊

_Ok. That is what i am gonna said too so yeah let's meet at 5:00 PM in the near restaurant.

_Ok noted.

→ Kageyama got ready and do routines and, the time really passes fast since it is now 4:30 so he waited for more minutes until she will finally go.

→ Kageyama got ready and do routines and, the time really passes fast since it is now 4:30 so he waited for more minutes until she will finally go

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√ Her clothes and hair.

→ After a minutes of waiting she finally go and walk to the near restaurant in their city. After she got there she sees them waiting for her so she go there and greeted them.

"Hey akaashi and bokuto - san 😊" Kageyama politely said

"HEY HEY HEY KAGEYAMA" Bokuto said in his usual tone.

"Bokuto - san please keep it down." Akaashi said.

"okay akaashi" Bokuto said.

"So what are we gonna talk about but first let's get inside first." Kageyama said.

"Okay" The two says.

→ They got inside and order food and also talk until their food arrive after they ate they just r est for a bit and go to the nearest playground and park then talk for a bit then kageyama remembers the thing they are gonna said.

"Uhm..what are the important matters you want to say?" Kageyama asks

"Oh we just want to say that......." Akaashi sounded nervous.

"WE LOVE YOU KAGEYAMA" Bokuto said happily.

"I-uhm i feel the same....way 😅" Kageyama said hesitantly.

"So does that mean we are...yk....dating?" Akaashi asks.


"Ye-yes of course i want to 😊" Kageyama said shyly but internally screaming due to happiness.

→ The date went well the confession too. They are happy so so much because they created memory again with each other. They said that they will move to kageyama's apartment but not now since it may be hard since kags is in miyagi but maybe if they graduate or when akaashi graduate in highschool. They are now in kageyama's house talking with the other bfs and they allow it so they are now much more. Everyone hangout today since they are gonna stay to kags house for today and go to their own tommorow with kuroo.

→ Kags can put another picture in her picture book (i dunno what you call it) and can look at it when she misses them and it is really beautiful since she decorated it too with very cute and fancy stickers in this way she can keep it and when their future child sees it they can be happy too if they get their own boyfriend.

→ Kageyama goes in her sleeping outfit and do first her routine then brush her teeth, then sleep with the boys. They cuddle him like spooning him and they also hug each other and sleep peacefully in each other's warmth, comfort, and heat.


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