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" Emilia, what are you doing ?? " a soft-spoken voice asked, concerned for her friend. 

" Just. . . a harmless payback -- you shouldn't be here, Lissa", Emilia spoke out quickly, her eyes swiftly darting from Clarissa back to the screen in front of her,  too focused on setting her so-called harmless prank in place.

" If the guards catch you, they will arrest you, Em..." Clarissa panicked out, the panic evident in her eyes as she frantically looked around the room, her comment making Emilia stop what she had been doing, her hands slightly shaking over the keyboard.

" I have to do this. . . " Emilia finally choked out before shaking back to reality as she quickly typed in the coding onto the computer, having unlocked what she came there to do. Clarissa let out a frustrated sigh, knowing that her stubbornness would come through even if she tried to fight Emilia. Instead, her dear friend decided to keep a lookout for Emilia. The two had been through thick and thin, considered one another like family. Like sisters. 

" Milah, Milah they are coming !! " The younger girl worriedly quivered out before panicking and looking around the room and back to Emilia.

" This is for messing with my family  ", she hissed out before letting out a gasp of excitement and achievement; Emilia had finally gotten the coding right, and pressing the final coding on the keyboard, pressing the enter key, had exhilarated a sense of satisfaction through her. Stepping away from her screen, all the could be seen: was her expression of awe. 

Soon enough, she was caught off guard by Clarissa's grip on her hand, pulling her through the second door on the other side of the room, " Milah come on, we have to hurry up !! " Clarissa's voice firmly said, trying to hurry her friend.

Nodding quickly, Emilia focused her attention back to reality and followed Clarissa out of the room, starting to run through the halls to get back to the main area where they would not -- hopefully -- be spotted. Luckily enough for both of them, the halls had been empty and quiet. 

Clarrisa had a head start, smart enough not to look back, knowing it would only slow her down more, but for Emilia, the fear in her only told her to do the exact opposite. And so she did.

It had been at that moment where she had picked up the pace of her running. Yet, only this time, not paying attention to where she had been going, finally pulling her eyes to in front of her where she had been inches away from a bucket left in the middle of the hallway, making it to late for Emilia to avoid.

Tripping over it, the bucket made a loud noise that had echoed through the halls spilling the water onto the floor and making Emilia slip, colliding onto the floor and onto her back, instantly feeling her ears ringing. 

Despite the ringing, she could her name being yelled in the background, Clarissa's voice frightened, her eyes only to meet with a face that emerged from the corner, the face being of which of a janitor. . . 

" Milah, Milah, Milah, wake up!! " yelled a voice that brought her back to reality, slowly opening her eyes to meet her eyes with Harper.

" Harper ?? What's going onWhere am I " Emilia spoke out quickly, sitting up making eye contact with her, feeling the guilt of what she had done sink into her once again

" The dropship. . . "Harper gulped out, looking into the older girls eyes, wondering how the nineteen-year-old got onto the dropship full of delinquents. . . 

A/N: ahh, so the first chapter, I was really nervous about posting it because I haven't written a Wattpad book/fan fiction since 2017 ?? So I apologise for any mistakes or parts where it may have been confusing  !! Please comment on any constructive criticism you do have. I hope everyone did enjoy this aha !! just a little backstory on the events that would lead to Emilia getting onto the dropship, as well as Clarissa, and I did sneak in a bit of Bellamy in there, aha

I will most likely be updating this book two times a week? But yes, please don't forget to vote and comment ( ofc only if you want to ) but other than that, have a wonderful day, everyone <3

EIDT 6th March: Okay, so I would like to point out that Clarissa is 16 years old (the same age as Octavia ) while Emilia will be 19. How she got onto the dropship ?? More of that to come :)

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