authors note <3

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hello everyone it has been some time !! i hope everyone is doing well

over the past weeks/months i have been extremely busy with all of my exams and school but now I have finished and finally had a week break, I have decided to come back to wattpad and carry on my fics !!

though as saying this I do want to make sure people are still interested or are still up for the idea that I maybe carry this on? 

again I am extremely grateful for everyone who has read my two 100 fics so far, thank you all so much <33 but please do comment if you would like to see more chapters.

but again either way if I do carry on this book I will most likely unpublish it for a small while only to make a few edits of such before republishing it <33

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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