𝗶𝗳 𝗮𝘁 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝗲𝗱

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The events all happened too quickly for her to comprehend. One moment she was running from the guards, the next, slipping over the knocked-over bucket of water, her head hitting onto the floor, only now hearing the everlasting high pitched ringing attack her eardrums as the pain only seeming to deepen and dig into her brain. It seemed like an endless cycle; the only sound other than the ringing she could put together was her name being called out, but even that soon became blurred that her eyes decided to shut.

Waking up, she slowly rubbed her eyes, feeling the blur vision pass, her head still banging against the walls like drums letting the pain become known to Milah.

Letting out a small groan of pain, she placed her right hand on her forehead as a support feeding as if that if she didn't do so, she would once again become light-headed. Slowly her eyes started to open, and the memories of moments before came flooding back, her running through the halls with Clarissa to get away from the guards, from a particular one, ending up in her smacking her head on the ground.

She shot up in horror only to have hit her head against a hard surface " ow ", she hissed out through her teeth before opening her eyes fully to see what she had hit, though soon realising it was not what she hit but who.

The boy's hair was slicked back, gelled so that no hairs stuck up. He had that kind of resting face that pierced through Emilia's. And his voice had been deep, soft and calming to the ears. However, an unsatisfied look sat on his face.

" I'm sorry. . .Where am I?" Emilia asked the boy who sat in front of her, more coming out as a mumble than in her intended assertive manner. Planted on her face was a confused look. She had no idea who the boy was, never seeing him in her life, nor knowing why he had been sat in front of her.

" The janitorial closet," He said bluntly before getting up, rubbing his forehead from the collision they had just a few seconds ago and walking over to a drawer to get an ice pack for Emilia. 

Stretching out his arm, he passed it to Emilia before continuing, " You're welcome, by the way ", intending it to be for a different purpose other than the ice packet.

" For what ?? " Emilia perked confidently yet in a quiet tone, knowing if she went any louder, the pain in her head would not forgive her. Taking the icepack out of his hand slowly and placing it on her right temple, she tilted her head to the side, leaving it there for a couple of moments. 

" Saving your life ", He almost said arrogantly with a smirk across his cheeks, elevating the freckles scattered across his face, only making Emilia snort out unconsciously and resulting in a frown from the boy. " From the guards ?? " He carried on in defence, leaning against one side of the wall, intrigued by the conversation.

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