Hide and Seek

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       Hello to all who have stumbled upon this story! This is a reupload and continuation of the same book I have uploaded on my other account (@LittleRedRidingHood8 , the story is unpublished there and uploaded here) so if you have come across a story that was exactly like this from my previous account, please do not be alarmed and think that this story has been copied. 

      HIde and Seek covers a bit of a heavy and dark theme throughout the book especially around the ending and there is a bit of sexually implicit tones here and there although nothing that is fully mature so for all the young readers below 18 out there reading this, proceed with caution. To be upfront and without revealing much of the plot, the ending is not sparkles and rainbows so if it is not your cup of tea, it may not be for you.  

     The idea behind this story came from a past groupmate of mine and I have brought it to its current form, a short story that was originally a script. Plagiarism of this book is not tolerated and if you find a copy of this book on any other platform besides Wattpad, please do report and notify me. All the contents of this book are protected under copyright however the book cover photo credits go to Fabian Perez.

     This story has already been completed as it was a group requirement for one of our course subjects although I will be uploading divisions/chapters of it perhaps every two weeks (if I am able to; the schedule is not set in stone yet so it might vary). I would love to know your thoughts about the story! Comments, votes, and even constructive criticism are also greatly appreciated. Hate, however, is not and comments that I deem are hateful will be removed, muted and blocked. If you like the story so far, do share it with others so this story may be able to reach a wider audience.

      Enjoy the story!

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