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      Iris walked into the dimly lit room, stumbling in her high heels and managing to bang her limbs, dragging in the mysterious man with her in the process but it did not matter. She was going to get what she wanted, and she was going to get it tonight. She was frantically trying to remove the mysterious man's jacket. Too much layers of clothing, she thought. Iris wanted to get it over and done with. She felt the want, or more so, need for contact, the familiar sparks and the fluttering butterflies in her stomach she was waiting for but it was not there, it never came. She grew frustrated. "Why is it not there?" she asked herself. "It had to be there," she added.

       "Woah, slow down, Princess. You have all night to ravish me. I'm not going anywhere," the mysterious man spoke, amused by the actions of the woman. Iris payed no attention to the remark of the man for she was desperate to find what she came in looking for. The man started to make advances to her, sensual caresses in parts where other people need not to know. Iris threw her head back at the feeling. She needed to feel more of it, have a taste of what it felt like. In the heat of the moment, she felt the need to throw up. Too much of the strong tequila, she thought. Iris pushed back the feeling, willing herself not to throw up in the presence of this handsome man in front of her. It would have been such a mess to clean up after, she thought. Her eyes fleeted to her sliding mirror wardrobe for a moment. A mess indeed, she concluded but she did not let that thought hinder her from having a good time. "I will love every bit of it," she repeated in her mind. She swallowed down the need to throw up the ridiculous amount of alcohol she took and focused on the man who was currently enjoying the feel of her body. She stared hard at the man and tried to find fault in him. Alas, she did.

       She did not like the way his hand felt her up, his hands were too rough and calloused. She did not like how his body fit into her, it was like two pieces of a puzzle which did not fit together. She did not like the pinewood scent of him, it irritated her nose to no end. She found fault in everything he was and probably the only thing she liked about him was his simplicity and casualness. His strong & muscular physique and dashing looks were acceptable in Iris' standards. "But he's not enough," Iris thought and he had to do. She cleared all thoughts from her mind and lost herself in the feeling of both worlds colliding.

        After a night of tossing and turning, Iris finally woke up in the early hours of the morning, not a hint of day light in sight with a thought that was bothering her in the back of her mind. She was restless and no matter what she did, she could not fall back asleep. When she gave up the idea of trying to save her beauty rest, she sat upright and saw her reflection in the sliding mirror wardrobe in front of her. She stilled. For hours, Iris sat on her bed, seemingly deep in thought. Her brain was filled with so many thoughts, feeling as if she may explode at any given moment. Her dark brown eyes stayed open and her gaze from the mirror wardrobe never faltered. Cloaked by the darkness, Iris sat there thinking until the rays of the morning sun peeked through her windows. Amongst all the deep and complicated thoughts running amok in her head, one thought permanently stuck that she will never forget. No matter what, she will fulfill her promised night to men she acquaints herself with but that will only be the start of her many late night adventures filled with loathing, delusion and self-deception and she was nowhere close to being finished.

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