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After seeing that it was already past two in the morning and that they actually had too much to drink, they ventured towards home. Too drunk to even pick up the phone and call a cab, they decided to just walk home since it was a pretty safe neighborhood.

"You're walking funny," Brooke giggled. Iris immediately straightened up.

" What are you talking about? I'm walking just fine, thank you very much," Iris said, her words slurred. Admittedly, she was swaying side to side. Too much tequila, she thought. "As if you're not walking funny yourself! I mean look at the sight of you," she added.

Brooke blinked slowly, the question not fully sinking in. "Me?" she asked, pointing at herself. "I'm doing la di da di dandy. Drunk off my rocker. Just peachy," she said, giving Iris a lazy smile and stumbling all over the place. She was already leaning into her for support. Like she said, drunk off her rocker.

Iris could not help but laugh at her best friend. She was smashed, they both were and they probably wouldn't remember anything the next morning. "Oh my gosh, did you see how men stared at you today?" Iris asked Brooke.

"Girl, they looked like they were ready-" Iris made exaggerated hand movements to prove her point.  "-to pounce on you like you were a piece of meat," she said. What else did she expect? Her best friend was a beauty and men hit on her every given chance. "Your boyfie would have been so mad," she added.

Brooke was unimpressed and sobered up a bit. "We both looked beautiful today, Iris. You mostly. You always have that quality in you where you brighten up the whole room with your smile. It's radiating and anyone can melt just looking at you," she looked at me fiercely in the eyes while giving me that lopsided yet heartfelt grin of hers. "And about him? It never really worked out," she added though she did not look like she was angry or sad about it. In fact, she looked relieved and happy.

Iris smiled back at her and felt the blush blossoming in her cheeks. Thank god it was dark out, she thought. Although she was curious about what happened with Brooke's ex-boyfriend, she didn't let that thought play much in her head and figured she could ask about it later. She was just happy that she had a best friend like her. With that, they continued on their walk home in comfortable silence.

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