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I need to breathe.

I keep reminding myself not to close my eyes, to continue inhaling  and make it to the landing. I'm not entirely sure what entity is cradling our vessel and pulling us to Earth, but right now, I don't care. All I know is that Peter and Tony are going to be okay. Earth means medical assistance, water, food. 

The dread of seeing all the missing nearly escapes my mind as I look through the window and see the lights of the compound below me. 

"This place has never looked more appealing." I mutter, my mouth dry as I help Tony stand properly.

He's the worst out of all of us, skinny and pale, the old bandages still clinging to his torso. He'll need time to get back to his old self, to become physically and mentally healthy again. We all will. 

I try to stay upright while carrying Tony's weight as well, though it's becoming exceedingly more difficult the less I eat and drink. Peter notices this and grabs Tony's other arm, hoisting him up farther as Quill opens the hatch and we descend down the metal stairs.

From far off across the evenly trimmed lawn, I can see two women sprinting towards us, behind them, two men. My vision is fogged slightly from my lack of nutrients, but as they get closer, I see Pepper, her hair down and tears flowing freely. I can tell one of the men is Rhodey, his leg braces glow in the dark.

"Oh my God!" Pepper gasps, running her hands over Tony's frail shoulders and up his neck and jaw. She sputters and smiles. I can feel the relief radiating off of her, the tears in her eyes glowing in the light of the moon.

Tony smiles easily and puts a hand on her face, taking in the sight of his love. "Hey, Pep." He rasps.

The other man I recognize to be Bruce Banner. I haven't had much time to get to know him, but I give him a nod, and he smiles back. His eyes are tired and sad, and his hair is more grey than the last time I saw him.

Another blonde head catches my eye and I turn, handing Tony off to Pepper. Though her hair is now white, and her face is tired, her nose is still sharp, her lips taut, her eyes kind, her natural red roots growing from her head. 

I take a breath. Natasha.

"Nat!" I stumble to her and wrap my arms around her shoulders.

Her frame is slight, but muscular, and her arms are strong and sure as they secure around my waist. "(Y/N)!" She says my name like a breath of fresh air, and it makes me smile knowing that she cares so much.

I haven't seen her since the damn airport. When all we had to worry about were the Sokovia Accords, what I would give to go back and live in simpler times. Nat and Steve went into hiding, I remember the pain of being separated from my friend, being separated from Wanda, from Vision.

She pulls out of the hug, "You look terrible," She says with a careful smile. I grin in response, knowing she's right. I'm having trouble thinking straight as of late, no doubt from the lack of sustenance and proper air. I make a note to tell her about that. Tony needs help, Peter needs air.

"We have a lot to catch up on, let's get you guys inside." Nat says, slinging an arm around my frame to support me. "Is this everyone?"

I glance behind me. Quill is looking at the stars solemnly. I wonder when he was here last? Nebula remains stagnant behind Peter, who is being fussed over by Pepper. The blue woman has seemed to grow protective of him since our time in space. No one else is on the ship. Not Mantis, Strange, Drax. God knows how many people are missing from here. 

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