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A/N- this was written by Mel and ajajjzjajszj i love it so much, happy reading :D

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Vision what the fuck is going on?”  I ask breathlessly. I touch my hair. It's frizzy, like it’s been teased a couple hundred times over. 

“I’m not entirely sure Y/N, I’m sorry to… bring you back all of a sudden,” Vision stammers. I bring my hand up to my temple, as if to soothe the pain radiating from it. I strain my mind, what happened? 
“Wanda... she...” I look around us, this place feels so familiar but so foreign, so real yet so fabricated. I know my way around on command and yet I can’t recall ever learning it. “None of this is real, it can’t be,” I whisper. 

Vision takes in my alarmed stature, “Y/N, I don’t know how to comfort you,” He confesses, “I don’t know what’s going on here, but maybe you can help. Have you- Are you from outside of Westview? Is there an outside?” 
I look at him incredulously. “Vision, you know I’m from Queens.” I state. He looks at me curiously, as if that wasn’t what he expected. “Don’t you remember?” I ask him, his eyes are blank. “We’re Avengers,” I explain, “We fought side by side in Sokovia. You, me and Wanda.”

He tilts his head quizzically, “Y/N, you live down the street. Wanda must have...” He trails off. Pieces of the bigger picture flood to my mind. Thanos, holding Peter’s hand in Quill’s ship, Nat’s tired eyes full of sorrow, Wanda’s tight grip in our first hug in two years. The hurt in her eyes when Vision was taken from her. Vision’s body. 
I let out a small gasp and then compose myself. I’m looking at a dead man. 

“Vision, you’re supposed to be dead,” He stares in disbelief, “I mean I- I saw your-” My voice cracks, “Me and Wanda, we went to recover your body. They... wouldn’t let us take you.” He looks down at the ground below us, the gears turning in his head. 
“I don’t know what you mean, perhaps we should sit,” He comes over and gently leads me over to a bench. “Y/N is your name, is it not?” He inquired.

I take a seat on the bench. “It is.” I clarify. I take a deep breath in and let it out through my mouth. “If you don’t remember anything other than Westview, then what do you remember first?” I ask him, looking up at the synthezoid before me. He studies me before answering. 
“I remember Wanda,” He looks away to nothing in particular, “Being happy to see her. The night of the dinner party. I’ve always been here, it feels like.” I nod processing the information. He has no clue who he is. Or who he’s supposed to be, more like. 

I try to conjure up how I got here in the first place. I retrace my steps. “Whatever happened right before that day, it’s all fuzzy for me,” I bite my lip, focusing hard. “I remember seeing what S.W.O.R.D did to you. Then walking Wanda out to her car. She had me drive to Westview.” 
Vision nods, “I see,” and then shakes his head, “I don’t see. You’re saying… I’m not alive, Y/N?” I give him a sympathetic look and shake my head. 
“Not unless she brought you back... And I don’t even know if she could do that,” I shift in my seat and cross my left leg over the other, I’m gonna have to catch him to speed in the quickest way I can.

 “About a month ago we went up against a really powerful alien called Thanos. He was collecting infinity stones- the most powerful artifacts in the universe- one of which was the yellow stone in your head. The one that powers you.” Vision touches his forehead, where the false mind stone lay. 
“If it’s here with me then we must have won.” He concludes, scratching his chin. “Unless it is synthetic.” There’s silence for a few moments until he brings up a different point. 

“Wanda, she has the town under a sort of mind control. I was able to free Norm the other day, but it was only for a minute. How are you feeling?” He asks me, concerned. I take mental note of any symptoms. 
“Other than realizing my friend has been controlling me, quite peachy actually. Head hurts a little bit, but it’s bearable.” I relay to him. He nods.

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