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I look down first after the red washes over us. My bandana top has been switched out for the clothes I was wearing when Wanda and I first arrived here- a zip up S.H.I.E.L.D hoodie and jeans. I lift my head off of Ralph’s shoulder and look at him- really look at him for the first time. That god awful blue beanie is off his head, and his hair is flat and neat instead of the bird’s nest of a mess it was moments ago. Instead of my “ex’s” clothes, he’s wearing black skinny jeans, a Nirvana tee and a black leather jacket. I can’t help but think that it suits him much better. 

“No more beanie?” I half-heartedly joke, sniffling away the last of my tears. Ralph snorts in response and then glances worriedly behind us. I look with him and see Wanda. Standing in the plot where her and Vision’s house stood moments ago. All of it reduced to gravel in a matter of seconds. She turns around, her expression unreadable, unimaginable. I rise from the cinder block I'm sitting on and walk to her. I tenderly place my hands on her shoulders. 

She looks down, scared or ashamed to meet my eye, maybe both. “I’m so-” Her lip trembles, interrupting her, “sorry.” She forces out. I smile sadly at her. 
“I know,” I say, gently shaking her shoulders. She finally looks at me. “And that’s enough.” I finish, pulling her into a soft hug. I pull away after a few moments, seeing the silent tears streaming down her face. I take a deep breath, trying to hold back my own. Trying to be strong for her.  “I’m here, I’ll always be here for you,” I promise 

Wanda nods her head, “I know, I know,” She nearly whispers. We aren’t left by ourselves for too long. 

“Wanda! Y/N!!” A familiar voice calls out. I turn and see Nat, her blonde bob bouncing as she runs to us. I drop my shoulders in relief, happy to see her face, hoping she brings good news with her. 

I meet her in front of the plot, wrapping my arms around her. After our quick hug I ask, “Natasha- you’re back- Are you okay?” I almost start scanning for any injuries before waiting for her answer. 
“You gotta be kidding.” I turn to my left and see Tony, his arms crossed looking at me incredulously. 
“Yeah, I’ve noticed she’s like that a lot,” Ralph says, butting in. I furrow my brow, what is that supposed to mean? He approaches the group, now joined by Rhodey and Pete. “I’m guessing you guys are the Avengers?” 

Tony looks Ralph up and down, one eyebrow raised. “And I’m guessing you’re a 14 year old bad boy with daddy issues.” He says, I roll my eyes, about to contest but Ralph replies quicker than me. 
“Then you would be correct,” He says with a smile, holding his hand out for Tony to shake. He hesitates a moment before saying anything. “Peter.” He says seriously. I stare at him in awe, touching my shoulder involuntarily. 

“I’m sorry, what?” I ask him, frowning. He looks over at me apologetically, mouthing a ‘sorry’. I think of the 2 names on my skin. 3 Peters. I feel the low rumbles of the earth below me, not violent, not even something anyone could feel. Just enough to let me know life keeps finding a way to complicate things for me. I take a deep breath, and the rumbles slowly dissipate. 

“Is there- like, a safer spot to talk through all of this instead of- well instead of the middle of a town that just went through an entire shitstorm.” Peter suggests. 
Rhodey crosses his arms behind Tony, “And who’s fault is that?” He asks rhetorically, Wanda flinches. I narrow my eyes. Tony turns and gestures for us all to follow him.
“Finally, my riches are of use again, the car’s this way.”

I walk next to Nat to talk to her. “What happened on the mission? Have you made any progress?” Wanda silently joins my side. 
“There’s,” Nat pauses and sighs, “There’s no progress to be made.” She states. I furrow my brows. “Thanos isn’t a problem anymore,” She continues, face grim, “-You can thank Thor for that one- but Thanos used the stones to destroy the stones. There’s nothing we can do.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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