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Y/N lets herself into the brand new home of her two dearest friends in the whole world. She crosses the living room to the kitchen door, swinging it open and walking in. Vision and Wanda stood on opposite sides of the counter, just discussing the odd heart on their calendar. 

“Hello you two!” Y/N cheerily greets. “Getting settled in I hope.” She saunters over to Wanda to give her a hug. Wanda quickly embraces her with a warm smile. 

“Oh yes, we’re settling in nicely,” Wanda says, placing her hands on her hips, “You were right, this neighbourhood is quite wonderful.” Y/N smiles, happy to know that Wanda seems to like it here. 

Vision speaks for the first time since Y/N entered the room, “Say, Y/N, perhaps you could offer some help to us. How fast can you boil water?” 

Y/N giggles, “Faster than you can say ‘Dick Van Dyke’!” She exclaims. 

Wanda smiles, “Yes, I was just about to make myself a cup of tea.” Without further explanation Y/N makes her way over to the kettle on the stove, putting her hand against it. The kettle is squealing in seconds. 

“Thank you Y/N, you’re such a sweetheart!” Wanda pecks a quick kiss on her cheek in thanks. “Would you like a cup as well?” She walks over to the kettle, pouring the hot water in a teacup with a teabag. 

“I’d love some! Should we send some with Vision on-” Y/N light slaps her forehead, remembering, “Oh, I’m such a ditz sometimes! He doesn’t drink tea, or anything for that matter.” Vision and Wanda chuckles.

“Oh, don’t even worry about it, it’s easy to forget,” Wanda says, handing her a cup of tea and then walking with Vision over to the door. Vision kisses her sweetly, Y/N smiles at the happy couple. 

Vision turns to Y/N, “Perhaps I’ll see you tonight, Y/N?” He says

“Let’s hope so!” She responds.

Vision quickly changes his appearance to a human and puts on his hat before disappearing out the door, on his way to his desk-job. Wanda saunters back over to Y/N. 

    Y/N takes a sip of the tea Wanda handed to her, “So, Wanda, have you made any other friends in town?” 

    Wanda swirls the teabag around in her cup thoughtfully, “No, not yet. I’ve just finished unboxing everything.” Y/N takes a look around.

    Their china was beautifully displayed, everything had it’s new place in the kitchen they stood in. “Well, it looks just grand, hun.” She says, Wanda smiles at her compliment. “It’s a very friendly neighbourhood you know! I’m sure you’ll have everyone smitten by the end of the week.”

    Wanda opens her mouth to respond but is interrupted by a knocking on the door. “Oh, I better get that,” She says, excusing herself before leaving the kitchen. Wanda walks over to the front door, opening it to find a new face!

    Y/N follows her into the living room, curious as to who could be visiting. The dark-haired stranger introduces herself.

    “Oh! Hello dear. I’m Agnes, your neighbor to the right, my right not yours,” she leans against the doorframe, “Forgive me for not stopping by sooner to welcome you to the block. My mother-in-law was in town, so I wasn't.” She laughs and walks in uninvited. 

    “So what’s your name?” She continues, “Where are you from? And most importantly, how’s your bridge game hon?” She smiles widely and Wanda walks over to the center of the living room, offering her hand to shake. 

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