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Wanda wipes her forehead, ridding it of the sheen of sweat. She clasps both lunch pails shut and sighs. The lunches were finished. She sets them on the edge of the counter.

Y/N steps into the kitchen, clutching a tote bag painted with wildflowers and looking around wildly, "Hiya, Wanda! Are the boys all ready for school?"

Her blouse is loose on her shoulders and tight around her waist, accentuating her frame. Her thick corduroy pants sway around her calves, and her pumps click on the wood below.

"I-I don't know. Boys!" Wanda calls, looking at her watch.

Billy walks into the kitchen calmly, his backpack already packed and ready.

"Yes mom?" He says, smiling up at the two.

Just as Wanda opens her mouth, Tommy rushes into the room, his cheeks red and his backpack overflowing with things he probably doesn't need. Pietro flies into the room after him, blowing sticky notes off of the fridge, and nearly knocking Y/N onto the ground.

"I'm here- I'm awake!" He say blearily, catching Y/N by the shoulder to steady her. "Sorry, didn't see you there," He pauses, leaning his head back to get a better look, "but now that I'm looking..."

Wanda swats his arm with a dish towel, "Pietro, behave yourself." She scolds, looking down at the boys next, "Boys, are you ready for school?"

Y/N smiles to herself as the twins nod, "Yes mom!" Tommy exclaims.

Right as he does, several things spill out of his bag, hitting the floor and scattering. He groans and bends over, attempting to stuff it all back it.

"Oh, Tommy, are you sure you need all of this?" She picks up a spare sock from the floor and waves it in front of his face. He snatches it, his brows furrowed in determination.

"Just in case," He insists, no amusement on his face.

Wanda sighs tiredly, checking her watch once more. "Y/N, are you sure you're still okay with taking the boys to school?"

Y/N smiles reassuringly at her, shaking her head. "Wanda, I'm going there anyway! Their teacher is getting older, and she needs all the help she can get." Y/N nudges Wanda in the ribs playfully, "She's starting to remind me of someone-"

The boys giggle and cover their mouths, "Oh, ha-ha, laugh at the old tired mom," Wanda sighs in an exasperated manner, grinning tiredly at Y/N.

Pietro plucks an apple off the counter, examining it as he spoke, "So, you're taking the kids to school?" He scratches his nose, "They can be kind of a handful so if you need somebody, you know- just in case- to come with you, I'd be happy to tag along."

Y/N looks him up and down, staring quizzically at his loose plaid pajama bottoms and Foo Fighters tank top. Both were creased and ruffled from sleep. He didn't seem aware that he wasn't dressed for the public. Although he could probably pass unnoticed, it was best to give him some instruction in this case.

Y/N puts a hand on the center of his chest teasingly, "If you can manage to get ready in about..." She checks her thin, delicate watch, "-six seconds, you can go right ahead and be our escort."

Pietro smirks, sending a wink her way, "I can do it in three-"

In less than a moment, he disappears and reappears, now dressed in a simple maroon shirt and baggy jeans. The same shell necklace that he wore everyday is hanging from his neck. Although he had reappeared in seconds, Y/N knew that it was much longer for him.

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