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Y/N walks on the clean, new sidewalk with a skip in her step. She isn't sure why she decided to take a stroll, but she's thankful for it once she hears the wails and screams erupting from the Vision residence. 

She stops in her tracks and quirks a brow nervously, wondering what could be making all that racket. She decides it would be nice to check up on them. It doesn't sound like anything dangerous, but she can't imagine things are very calm.

She knocks on the milky white door and waits. Nothing.

The house is quite peaceful on the outside, happy, almost. The walls painted a muted minty green, and thick shutters on each window. There's a chimney build out of the shingled roof, but Y/N can't recall seeing a fireplace in the house. She'll have to look for that when she goes in.

She knocks once more, but again, no friendly faces come to meet her. 

She takes a breath, smooths her overalls, and steps in.

The cries are ten times louder when she pushes the door open, and the first sight she's greeted with is two binkies protruding out of Vision's ears.

He giggles and points to them, "Noise cancellation is not their primary function?" 

Y/N snorts, taking in the scene. There are two cribs in the center of the living room, both with baby blue blankets and fuzzy stuffed animals in the corners. Billy and Tommy wiggle around in them, kicking and yelping, obviously being stubborn. What kid wants to go to sleep? 

Y/N clears her throat, and Wanda turns to her, stress written all over her face. "Sorry guys, I heard the racket and let myself in." She gets a closer look at the binkies, "That's quite the fashion statement, Vis." 

He smiles nervously, putting his hands on his hips. He's wearing a beige sweater vest, which clashes horribly with his maroon exterior. "Ah, yes! Just- just trying it out..."

Wanda laughs, her pretty face stretching. She pulls them out of his ears and they release with a 'pop'. 

"Good morning, Y/N," Wanda says fondly.

Y/N grins at her, happy to see her friend. "Morning, Wanda. Trouble in paradise, I assume?"

For the first time in days, the house is completely quiet. Not a single floorboard creak, not a gust of wind could be heard.

"Or... maybe not?" Y/N whispers, pushing her frizzy hair out of her eyes.

Wanda slowly backs away from the cribs, holding her hands out in caution. "I think it's working," she mouths, her eyes full of fear.

Vision gives Y/N a hopeful look. "Perhaps it-"

As if on cue, the twins spit out their binkies full force, hitting Wanda in the head. She throws her hands up in surprise, grunting in annoyance.

"Oh dear..." Says Y/N, bending over to pick up the discarded pacifiers.

Vision sighs, and puts an arm around Wanda. "Oh, what are we doing wrong..." she says solemnly.

Vision presses a soft kiss to her forehead. "Oh, don't worry, dear. We'll figure it out. Perhaps we all need more time to get to know one another." He suggests hopefully. Wanda doesn't look convinced.

Y/N purses her lips, seemingly considering something, before stepping up to a crib.

"Or maybe..." she starts hesitantly, "I could offer you guys some help! I'm great with kids, I have a-" She stops short, as if frozen. She smiles softly, not continuing her thought.

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