Chapter Twenty-Four

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I run into my room and slam the door behind me before sliding down to the floor. What the heck was that? What does she mean, she knows me? Until I came to this school, I've never seen that girl before in my life.

But... she will get to know me.

When I think back to the first weird vision, someone calling out my name. I'm almost sure it was her. The voices are so similar. Of course, I won't know for certain because I never saw a face, but I'd bet a lot of money that she is that voice. The one calling out to me.

What does that mean?

Is she involved in all this somehow?

Has she been getting weird visions too?

That look in her eyes, I could tell she's serious. She honestly feels like she knows me. But she doesn't. Not yet at least. Does that mean we become friends? What if we don't become friends? Can I change my future? Stop that explosion from happening? Is she the key?

A loud banging on the door makes me flinch.

There is a moment of silence.

"Who is it?" I finally say.

"Who else would it be?" Nerissa says in annoyance.

I sigh in relief and get up to open the door.

"Okay, I've written your speech. I want you to memorize it." she walks into my room and hands me my speech.


"You won't come off as sincere if you have to keep looking down at your paper." She explains.

"Okay." I look down at the paper.

I glance into the hall to confirm Vega didn't follow me before shutting the door.

"So I've been thinking, obviously we don't want to be too flashy, and our options are limited when it comes to what we can do to wow people considering you are useless. But maybe a small mystic fog? No, that's too cheesy." She sighs.

"Have you been working on this all day?" I ask.

"Haven't you?"

"Uh... yes?"

She sighs.

"If we try too hard it will come off as fake," I say.

"But If we just wing it, we will sound stupid." She says.

I look down at the paper.

"Okay, I'll memorize it. We can reconvene tomorrow." I say.

"Did something happen?" she asks.

"No." I lie.

She eyes me.

"I know your lying," she says when we stand in silence for a minute.

Stupid energy reading.

"Nothing you need to worry about yet."


"Just Vega."

"Is she bullying you?"

"No... I don't know, maybe? I don't know. It was weird."

"We have to trust each other, remember?"

"She wants to know why we are working together. She kind of cornered me. But I don't trust her, so I ran away. But... she did bring up valid points and.... I don't know." I sigh and sit on my bed.

Nerissa raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms.

"Remember when I told you I got weird freaky visions, well in my first vision she was there, well not there, there, but I did hear her nearby. I think she's involved in all this somehow. And she seems to think so too. But I don't know... if I trust the wrong person... it's too risky. Not to mention she and her murderous sister don't exactly have a good track record."

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