Chapter Ten

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Before we could make it five feet a familiar voice stopped me dead in my tracks. A voice I'd recognize anywhere. The voice that helped raised me. My dad.

"You can't keep me away from my daughter! I have rights! Get your hands off me! Stupid Witches."

"Dad?" I turned to look.

"Come along Emery, we have much to go over," Cyrene forced me to turn back around.

"But that's my dad, I hear him."

"I guess I should tell you," she sighs.

"Tell me what?"

"Your father's been showing up here demanding to see you for a few days now. He's started a big protest. The elders didn't only fly in just to talk to you. They came here to get to the bottom of what happened to you. They don't want it to get out to the public. They are going to try and calm the hysteria. You've become somewhat of a hot topic these days."

"I have?"

"People think we are holding you here against your will," she sighs.

"You sort of are," I mutter.

She glares at me.

"I know, I know, if I leave, I die," I roll my eyes.

"Good. I think seeing your father would only stoke the flames. Especially when you are in this kind of state."

"You're afraid I'm going to make everything worse," I say it as a statement.

"It's not just me, we are all afraid you'll say something that will be the nail in the coffin. People aren't happy with us. It's because of stuff like this that we banned awakenings back in the '50s. Too much protest and outrage. Apparently, people don't like being forced to live a lifestyle they didn't choose."

"You don't say?" I once again roll my eyes.

"The point is, tensions were already high as it was without you. Now we technically broke our own rule. Which doesn't look good on us. To make everything worse, we still don't know who did this to you or why. If they will do it again to someone else. There's a lot to unpack here. The people feel betrayed. We promised we wouldn't start awakening people without first discussing it with the proper authorities and having a good reason. This makes it look like we went behind their backs. You have no idea what's at stake here. So yes, we are keeping you from your father, but for good reason. The last thing we need is you opening your big mouth."

I sigh. I mean I guess she has a point, but still. Not cool. Are things really that bad around here? Ro said the school could even get shut down. I mean I don't like it here, but I don't want anyone to lose their home because of me. Not to mention if this school gets shut down I'll just be sent to another school, farther away from home. I'd never see my family after that.

"Maybe... Maybe I can talk to my dad. Calm him down. I know my dad, he's only doing this to get his way. You'll have to give him what he wants eventually. If not he won't stop and everything will only get worse. I promise not to say something stupid; I want to help." I turn to lock eyes with Cyrene.

She narrows her eyes at me and says,

"Twisted lies in disguise? Don't' Lie to the light or find yourself tongue-tied," Then she snaps her fingers in front of my face.

There is a quick flash of white like her snap caused a spark.

"Do you really want to help?" she asks.

"Yes," I look at her in confusion.

What did she just do to me?

"Okay, let's go." She shrugs.

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