Chapter Six

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Where have I heard that voice before?

"Emery, wake up," I feel myself being shaken.

God my head is killing me. What happened? I can't remember.

"Crap we are so dead," another voice said.

"We! You did this, not me."

"I didn't even hit her that hard."

"Have you seen her bruises?"

"Okay so maybe I hit her hard but like I didn't think she'd run away and pass out."

I force my heavy eyelids open and wait for my vision to come into focus. I see a curtain of black, no wait... it's just her hair falling down on one side of her head as she stares down at me.

She has pretty eyes.

"She's waking up," the girl said.

"Hey, naptimes over," Dariyah lightly slaps me on the cheek a few times. "Come on get up."

I hear a door open with a loud creak sound.

"Did you find her?" a voice says. 

It sounds like Nerissa. 

I feel the hairs on my arms stand up.

"She's fine. See," Dariyah forces me to sit up by yanking my arm.

I can feel the blood rushing through my body and I nearly blackout again. Ugh, why do I feel like crap?

"Whoa there," Dariyah's evil friend catches me before I fall.

"Move, get away from her," The same poofy haired girl from earlier pushes them away and helps me sit upright.

Nerissa kneels down next to her.

"Emery, you okay?" The girl asks.

"What happened?" I rub my head.

"We need to take her to the infirmary," Nerissa says.

"She's fine, stop being a goody-two-shoes," Dariyah says.

"If you think for a second, I won't report this, think again," Nerissa threatens her.

"You are such a bi—"

"Relax," Dariyah's friend cut her off. "Emery won't tell on us, right Emery?"

I glance at her in confusion and her eyes flash pink for a second. It disorientates me and makes my head hurt even worse.

"Stop it!" Nerissa's friend shields me from her.

"Let's help her up," Nerissa said.

She and her friend slowly help me to my feet. My legs shake and my head throbs, I have to sit down in the pew to try and collect myself.

"Oh, come on, I didn't hit her that hard. She's totally faking," Dariyah complains.

"Shut up you little—"

"Ro, enough, don't stoop to her level." Nerissa cut her off.

"I'm just saying, someone should really give you a taste of your own medicine for once," Ro grumbles.

"And who would that be, you?" Dariyah snorts.

"Don't tempt me," Ro mumbles.

"Everyone shut up! My head hurts," I complain.

"See, I didn't even hit her in the head," Dariyah says in triumph.

I groan and hold my head, I see flashes of a burning building, of myself. I don't understand it. What happened to me? Why do I feel like this? Don't trust... Don't trust who? Why do I feel like I can't trust anyone?

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