Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Okay so obviously getting backers is going to be hard, but I have the perfect first try," I say.

Nerissa raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms.

"Bastion's dance group." I declare.

She thinks on it for a minute before sighing and saying, "fine, it can't hurt to try."

"Yes! Nothing brings people together like art and sports."

"But you're asking him."

"What!? He doesn't even like me." I say.

"Well I can't ask him, he's always with Ro."

"Just talk to her, please. If I have to ask Bastion, then you have to talk to Ro." I declare.

"Fine." She sighs.

"Great then we can all braid each other's hair and sing in harmony," Darko says.

We both turn to him.

He glares at us, grabs his lunch, and once again leaves the table.

"Dang it, it was going so good too." I sigh.

Nerissa shakes her head at me.

"He'll come around, he even sat here for a good ten minutes this time," I say.

"Lost cause." She sings before biting into her sandwich.

"No one is a lost cause; you didn't write me off as a lost cause." I point out.

"We'll see."

I sigh and eye his empty spot.

"How did things go with Vega this morning?" Nerissa asks.

I sigh and look down at my food.

"She's acting weird now. She couldn't even make eye contact with me all morning. She just assigned some chapters for me to read before leaving me alone."

"Hmm..." Nerissa says.

I poke at my salad.

I wish things didn't have to be so complicated. I glance at my phone and see there is still no new text. I guess they really did forget about me.

As lunch is ending I throw away my trash and run over to Bastion, who is packing up his laptop in his bag.

"Hey," I say casually.

He looks up at me and sighs.

"I haven't even said anything yet!" I complain.

"Obviously you want something from me."

Ro, who was standing next to him giggles.

Nerissa walks up behind me and she and Ro share a look. I can't tell what it means but I can tell it's not bad or good. Just, a look.

"Can we talk?" Nerissa says to Ro.

"Lead the way." Ro walks off and Nerissa jogs beside her. The two walk off together.

"So," I turn back to Bastion.

"Just spit it out." He slings his bag over his shoulder.

"We are looking for our first campaign backer and—"


"You didn't even let me finish!"

"No way my manager will ever agree to this. He's a very picky man."

"I can at least try! You owe me, I helped you with your dance, remember?"

"Yeah, you got me paired with my worst nightmare. Thank you for that." He starts to walk off.

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