Chapter Thirty One

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Casters... are not what I thought they were. They have everyday issues just like non-casters. They have things to worry about like bullies, student elections, test scores. It's all the same. Just like non-casters, they have their hierarchies, the popular kids, the school officials, a government system that regulates your every move.

It's all the same.

The only difference I can find is that one has powers while the other doesn't. But even then, what's the point of having powers if you aren't allowed to use them? So many restrictions and regulations, rules, and consequences. This whole time I thought having powers was an unfair advantage, and maybe it is a little. I mean I can teleport, come on.

But it also has major drawbacks, like almost being killed for being mind locked with someone. Almost being killed for getting blasted in the wrong spot. Almost being killed when you use too much power. Did I say almost being killed yet? Because let me tell you, the number of times I've almost died these past few weeks alone is astronomical.

At this rate, I'll never make it to my thirties.

"What are you thinking about?" Asherah asks me.

A lot of things. How wrong I was. How bizarre this whole situation is. How scary it can be when all it takes is for one thing to go wrong and suddenly your life is on the line. It's all just... so much.

After Darko cried it out in my arms, it wasn't long before campus security came and got me from my room. Apparently, I am only one of two people in the whole world who can teleport like that. The other is in the hospital. Who knew? Anyway, it was easy for them to track me down and drag me to Asherah's office and plop me down in front of her.

Her office is nothing like I imagined it would be. I guess I have the office of my old school principal as my preset, but it's nothing like that. There is vegetation and light everywhere. Big windows and ivy growing on the walls. Lots of different colors of flowers in pots in the window seals. A small cactus on her desk. The walls are painted white, with a gold trim making the room look a lot bigger than it actually is.

She has a hammock hanging from the ceiling, big oval chairs with green pillow cushions inside. There is even this water fountain thing that has fake birds on it, against the wall. It makes it look like a waterfall is falling over some rocks. It fills the air with a light trickling water sound. Everything is just so serene.

It's almost hard to believe I might be in trouble.


"Emery?" Asherah says to draw me out of my funk and force me to pay attention.

"Am I in trouble?" I ask.

"That depends."


"Exactly what happened out there. I brought you in because I know it's impossible for you to get away with a lie at this point in your development."

"That's not fair," I frown at her.

"The world is not fair."

She has a point.

"Well, I didn't do anything but defend myself. Those guys were picking on Darko, so I went to stop it. Then they attacked me! Zapped me and blasted like a whole freaking blizzard at me. Which is like, so uncool. I almost lost eyelashes because of them!"

Asherah lets out a heavy sigh and shakes her head at me.

"I did! Plus no one told me teleporting would be freaking hard and draining. Cyrene makes it look so easy." I pout.

"I'll look into the incident," She says.

"Good, those jerks need to be put in their place."

"Now, any reason why you missed all your morning classes today?"

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