Chapter Forty-One

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"Great, you broke her." Dariyah's voice is the first I hear.

"Shut up, I didn't break her, she just used too much power." Vega snarks at her.

"What happened?" Nerissa asks.

"Lorelei cast a spell on her, made her energy swell. The only thing I could think of to prevent a power burst was for her to cast a spell. I'm still not sure what she did. But it worked."

My eyes flutter open and the light is too harsh. It burns. The hazy image of Nerissa comes into view.

"She's waking up," Nerissa says.

"Finally." Dariyah snarks.

"You don't have to be here you know." Vega snaps at her.

"Ugh," I groan in pain.

"She lives, unfortunately," Dariyah says.

I sit up and blink a few times to get my eyes into focus but my vision keeps blurring in and out.

"I can't see," I say.

"Your eyes are bloodshot. What did you do?" Nerissa asks.

"I cast a Truesight spell."

"Did it work?" Dariyah asks.

I nod.

"Well since you can't control it, this might be a side effect. Not properly casting spells can affect your health and have serious consequences depending on how powerful the spell." Nerissa says.

"Now you tell me." I rub my eyes.

"You okay?" Vega rubs my shoulder.

"She just said she's blind," Dariyah snorts.

"Can you stop talking for five seconds?" Vega snaps at her.

Dariyah mocks her by mimicking her words in an annoying high pitch.

I sigh and keep rubbing my eyes.

"Well if you won't shut up, be of some help please," Vega says.

"Fine, move." Dariyah shoves her way in next to me and then smacks my hands away from my eyes.

Her hands wave in a cross-motion over my face before she says, "oculos sanaret."

A red glowing clouds my vision and the stinging goes away. I blink a few times and then I can see again.

"Better?" she says in a grouchy tone.

"Yeah, much, thank you." I rub my eyes.

"You owe me, again." She says.

I sigh.

"You okay?" Vega asks me.


"What did you see?" Nerissa asks.

"I don't know, it was very confusing. Anyway, that's not the point. I have to tell you something."

"She went to talk to Asherah, alone," Vega says.


"Look before you chew my head off, listen! I have to tell you something. Asherah says the council rejected our bid to run. We are out of the student elections. It was a unanimous vote."

"What, wait that doesn't make any sense. Why would my parents—"

"Exactly. We were right to tell Asherah. She thinks the council is hiding something. That they might be behind what is happening to me. They want to talk to me, alone. Tomorrow!" I say.

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