episode 6: To break a hyena part 1

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It had been 1 1months since Jasiri's hyenas had eaten fresh food. Janja finally started eating again after months of bone chewing. The two had to attend a hunting plan. All carnivores had to attend. Carnivores would say what animals they would hunt for the week. If they hunt an animal that was not on their plan then would get the lion guard would get involved. Jasiri was relieved that her hyenas can finally eat ." Hey, Jan you know how many animals we decided, right?" Jasiri asked." 4 carcasses a week" he replied hoarsely. She knew he was sick. Most likely from staving himself. She still wondered why he did, but she didn't have time to worry about that.

They followed the massive group of carnivores that were walking towards a large lake. Jasiri and janja walked up and sat next to the lake. The lake was surrounded by lions, snakes, cheetahs and lots more. the lake had a small stone where Kovu and Kiara were siting. Vitani's lion guard was sitting not to far behind seemly exhausted."Greetings, all of you... still not sure how to get you all ,but all of you should know how this works so let's just get started." The session went on as planned. When they got to the two hyenas they were shocked at how low the amount of food they wanted

" I'm sorry,4 ? You want 4 carcasses to feed all the hyenas you have ?" Kiara exclaimed. Jasiri nodded." We didn't want to over do it" she replied." Trust me, 4 is under doing it" Kiara said. Most of the other carnivores agreed." Fine how much should we ask for ?" Jasiri asked." 5 at least." Said a lion not to far from them." Fine, 5" she said reluctantly." Cool,from what species ? " the queen asked."2 Zebras and 3 springbok" she replied. Kiara once gave a look of confusion. No one had asked for more than one species before, but she wasn't against the idea so she agreed with they're choice. The night continued smoothly after that and Kiara made sure that Vitani's guard knew that the hyenas were hunting two different species.

The next day
Jasiri exited the the outlands and made her way to the zebra grazing lands with Janja, Madoa and some other hyenas in a sort of hunting party. It goes smoothly catching the 2 zebras they want." Finally something fresh to eat" one of the hyenas said." Dont get too excited. We still have to carry them back to outlands." Janja said. The hyena sighed but agreed. It and another two hyenas drag the body's back to the outlands." Alright, let's get the springbok and get out of the pridelands." They nodded before and made their way to the springbok lands. Janja could feel that they were being stocked. He didn't worry. Even if it was big predator it wouldn't stand a chance against them. At least that's what he hoped

They made it to the springbok lands. There was already a leopard hunting one of them. And failing." Let's go for that one we should be able to scare of the leopard off and we'd be putting it out of it's pain." Janja said. The rest agreed and went on with his plan. As they excepted they were able to scare off the leopard. As they took down the springbok Janja finally saw what was stocking them. It was lion. A big one. It had a yellow fur and a red mne and was being talled by 3 lioness. Janja gulped knowing that if the lion wanted to fight. They weren't going to hvlave a fun time.

But soon Janja realised something. This wasn't just any lion. It was Simba. What did he want? Janja finally told Jasiri and the others after staring at him for good minute. Jasiri looked at Simba." Alright guys. We not sure what he wants so let's be careful. Don't attack him." They nodded and careful walk to Simba and his lions." Is there anything we can do for you your majesty ?" 0aren't you ?" She asked." Yes you broke the rules and that means you have to leave or things will have escalate." He replied. Jasiri snarled lightly.

She didn't want things to escalate, but her clan needed this food. She still want to have a good relationship with the pridelands, but if that meant her clan had to stave what would be the point ?
Unfortunately, things were going to escalate and she would be at the center of it all

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