Whats That?

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"That was...something."
Eugene's voice was a little shaky, but he held Rapunzels shoulders proud anyways, obviously worried she'd pass out, or collapse.
Lance lead the group with Angry and Catalina, keeping the two away from any danger, while Varian made the rear. He was excited, Demanitus was a genius and he wanted to talk about it, scream about it, but knew when to keep quiet. The entire group had the same feeling his father did after a bad day in the fields. They wanted peace.

Something electric sparked on the ground by his boot. He glanced pre-cautiously at the group, before bending down and pulling it up to his face.
"What, is it?" He mumbled out loud. It sparked again, the electricity sending shivers down his spine. His eyes blacked out for a second, and he saw... the Moon Stone? It, it shattered, a piece broke off...

He snapped back to reality, and realised. This, this was that broken Moon Shard. He held a piece of the power of GODS in his hand. But, nothing more happened.

"Varian" Lance called out to him, snapping him out of his thought heavy trance. Stuffing the shard in his pocket, he ran up to them.
"Sorry, sorry. I thought I saw something, but it, it uhh, was just a shattered piece of the black rocks, from the fight. The sunset made it look kinda, different, for a second. Sorry."
He got a funny look from Lance, and could feel the back of his neck start to sweat, but a heavy clap to the back and a smile reassured him.
"You apologise too much kid."
"Hehe, what can I say, you pick up, habits, when everyone in the kingdom hates you, hehe..." he ran his hand up and down his neck like he did when he was nervous, and smiled back at him.
"Varian, are you alright? You seem very nervous." Rapunzel asked behind him.
"Uh, yeah, just... I've never seen Cassandra like that before. She was... scary, but she was still nice to me, she didn't want to hurt me. I don't think she's really gone, not yet at least."
"That's the spirit!" Rapunzel punched the air, before stumbling her steps a bit, as Eugenes grip on her shoulders tightened a bit.
"But, Varian," she began once she was steady again, "you know you can talk to us if something's up, right?"
"Yeah, of course."


"Cass, are you sure you have to leave?" Cassandra stood in front of Varian, arms crossed, in full travel gear, wearing her Cassandrium necklace.
"Yes, I'm sure. I have to find my own destiny. For real this time."
Varians head hung.
"I'd bring you with me, but, I prefer to be alone."
"Oh I'm with you there." Varian clicked out two awkward finger guns. "People, people are, umm, awkward."
"Hehe, yeah, they are." She smiled.
"Especially when you try to ruin the kingdom..." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah, yeah..."

"You won't forget me, will you?" He asked meekly.
"Forget you? How could I, when you swept me off my feet?"
Varians face went a bright red, and he hid it in his hands as Cass laughed. "Oh gosh, I really said that, didn't I?"
"But seriously Varian, I'll never forget you. I don't think anyone will." Upon seeing him hang his head even lower, she backtracked. "Not like that! I mean like, no one forgot that Demanitius guy, and he was crazy! And you're crazy! And I know it will lead to something awesome. And when that happens, I'll be proud to say that you're my friend. Oof!-" She exclaimed as he hugged her tightly around the waist, then pulled away embarrassed.
"S-sorry, I got excited."
"Hmhm, it's okay V. Bye now." She chuckled as she ruffled his hair. "Do something awesome!" She yelled as she finished climbing the stairs out of his lab.
"Oh, I will." He turned back to his desk, and opened his book, to show the tiny shard of the moon stone, the only piece left of either magic gems.
"I will."

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