Goodbye, For Real

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"This river is so long it winds out of the Corona Kingdom! Never mind that it's covered on both sides by huge forests! We'd never find him like this!"
"Yeah, but it's our only shot! We know he went down this river, we have to at least try send out troops!" Cass slammed down on the desk.
"I can't! We don't know what he's doing! If he attacks, I'll need all troops here to protect the citizens, and the Royals! I can't just send out a scavenger hunt for a genius criminal who doesn't even want to be found!" Eugene shouted back.
They had been at this for about ten minutes, arguing about going to find Varian. Neither side got anywhere.
"I'm scared for him too Cassandra, believe me! But I can't risk it!" The mans voice broke, something he hated it for doing. It showed his true emotions, something he'd learnt to keep hidden when talking about things like this.
Cass noticed it, and her anger dissolved, as she moved around the table to Eugene's side, his head held in one hand, trying to remain professional. Cass lay a hand on his upper back.
"I'm sorry Cass, but I can't risk it. My job protecting Rapunzel and her Kingdom come before searching for the one we're trying to stay safe from."
"I know. I just, feel like it's my fault, I got in over my head, I got angry." She didn't say sorry, but he could tell she wanted to. They just stood in silence, the most at peace with each other since their first meeting, three years ago.

The door to the 'War Room', as Eugene called it, opened, and in stepped Ariana. Rapunzel wrapped her arms around her immediately, glad that she was safe.
"Wow! What happened here?" She said, twirling her daughters newly long locks in her delicate fingers.
"It's a long story, that doesn't really have an ending yet, but I'm so glad your okay!" Rapunzel squeezed her mother tighter.
"Why wouldn't I be? Willow isn't that dangerous." She laughed, but stopped once she realised the tension in the room. "What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty," Eugene started, "Varian escaped, and ran away."
"What? When?"
"Just the night before last. We met with him, on a cliff top last night, and he used the river to escape from us. Not that we could've put up much of a fight, he has the full power of the Moonstone at his will now."
"Oh, no..." the queen sunk to the ground, Rapunzel still holding her, but it was for comfort now, rather than relief. She had noticed that her and Varian had almost a familial bond, she cared for him deeply, where as she was the only person he would never, ever be rude, or snappy to.

"I'm sorry Mom. We have no idea where he's gone, or what he's planning..."
"I know Varian on a deeper level than he ever let you know him, and I can guarantee, he's not planning anything malicious." She said sternly.
"But how can you be sure, your highness?" Cass asked.
"Because surely if he was going to do something, he would have already? With that much power no less? If he ran away, as you said, than I don't think he's planning on coming back anytime soon. People who run rarely come back." She said again, with a certainty that almost made you question how she knows this. But no one did. King Fredrick may be in charge, but the Queen was the one you should be afraid of.


Eugene stood out on the main steps, watching troops perform routine. Cass joined him at some point, but he couldn't remember when.

"Still nothing?" She asked
"Eugene, I hate to say it, but I think that the Queen was right; Varian doesn't seem to be coming back, at least not for now. It's been three weeks. You should relax the guard checks, they're just putting everyone on edge."
He sighed. "You're right. I just, don't want to give up on him..."
"Your not. If he wanted to be helped, he'd let up know. This kid once contacted Rapunzel in a dream, remember? He has his ways."
"Yeah. That's a fair point. I'll have a guard meeting tomorrow morning, re-do the schedule again." He held his head in his hands, and once again Cassandra comforted him.
"Ms. Cassandra? You are requested of the King." A random new boy stood awkwardly at attention, waiting Cass's response. "I'll be there in a sec." was all he got.

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