Day Out

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Varian sat in the floor of his lab, legs crossed, eyes shut, just thinking. Rudigger sat beside him doing the same, it looked rather funny.

"Hey." A calm voice broke his silence, he turned to see it belonged to Cass, who stood silently at the bottom of the stairs, watching him.
"Oh, hey. What's up?"
"So what are doing here?"
"I came to see you, obviously."
"I though you came back to Corona to see Rapunzel and Eugene, and your Father, and who ever else you might want to see."
"Anyone else I might want to see. I came back to see all my friends before heading to a further away kingdom. And I'm here specifically because I can see Raps and Eugene and my father around the castle whenever, but Rapunzel has told me that you tend to, what's the word, live, down here. So, instead of making a half hour walk each time I want to see you, I'm gonna spend a day with you. So here I am."
"A whole day?"
"Yeah. Why, is there something else you don't want me seeing?" She teased.
"No, I just feel this is another ploy to make me talk."
"Do you want to talk?"
"Well then, you don't have to talk."
Varian thought about this, and then smiled.
"So, what are you doing?"
"Just... thinking."
"Just, everything. This," he held his hands up, then ruffled his hair, "and this." He gestured around the falling apart lab.
"You know, that hair colour doesn't suit you."
"Oh my god thank you! Finally someone who agrees with me! Everyone else says it looks good, but I strongly disagree."
"It didn't look overly good in me either."
"I don't think this shade of blue can look good on anyone."
"Heh, yeah." They shared a smile. "Say, how bout we go out? To take your mind off things?"
"Uhh, what?"
She raised her hands in defence. "I know you don't want the towns folk to see you, but we can take the back exit behind the castle, and go horse riding in the woods. It's what Rapunzel used to do when she wanted out without anyone knowing."
"I- you know what? That sounds fun. Yeah let's do it!" He got up, and put on a new shirt, pants, and his gloves. "In case we actually run into someone." He explained to Cass's confused look.
"And the hair?"
"Experiment gone wrong." He shrugged.
"Nice. Now let's go, we have another extraordinarily long walk ahead. Surely you could do something about this? Make it faster?"
"I was thinking of installing an automatic rail cart system, but these tunnels are unstable, and still have some booby traps."
"Honestly, I'd rather an unstable, booby trapped mine cart ride than a half hour walk."
"Haha, I'll look into it then."

They spent the day on their horses, racing through the woods, climbing trees and Cass taught him a few sword fighting manoeuvres using sticks, "bout time you learn to defend yourself with something other than potions" which offended him a bit, but he let it slide. Turns out he's surprisingly good with a sword.


"This is terrifying, but amazingly exciting." They peered over the cliff, watching the water crash against the sharp rocks below.
"This is one of my favourite spots in all of Corona." Cass said, leaning back to feel the wind against her face.
"The top of a dangerous cliff over a rushing river and dangerous rocks is your favourite place?"
"Yeah, it's so free from every thing. Back when I was lady in waiting, I had to be prim-and-proper all the time, so running away to a giant cliff top to be among the wild, and being myself was freeing."
"Wow. You're enjoying your journey then?"
"Yeah. I really am. I'm taking a new route than what we took before, so it's all new places I've never been before, with people who don't know me, despite my somewhat infamous reputation." Varian just watched her ramble, the light in her eyes, her genuine smile, she truly was happy. He could tell his face gave away that he wasn't.

"Hey are you okay?" She had turned to him, and noted his expression.
"Yeah, it's just- You have your adventure that you're going on, and Rapunzel and Eugene have their jobs in the castle, and my father is helping run Old Corona, and what do I have? Nothing but my mistakes." He clenched his hands and then rubbed his neck.

"That's just one perspective."
"What? You mean the fact that I almost destroyed the Demanitus chamber, and that I'm fused to the Moonstone is just a perspective?"
"No, no silly. I mean that seeing them as mistakes is just a perspective."
"I...don't get what you mean?"
"I mean that, sure, you almost destroyed your lab, but how could you have known?"
"Because it was obvious."
"It was obvious after the fact. I know you Varian." She shoved her shoulder into his. "You're logical, and see things that some others don't. So if you didn't notice that it could collapse, then no one else would have. Same with the Moonstone. When I used it, I was angry and alone, and lost, I abused its power. But you offer a new, safe way to test the powers that it wields, you get to test the power of the GODS Varian! That's incredible!"
"I...I had never seen it like that..."
"Yeah, I've noticed. You may be super smart and as jumbled as things get in here," she poked the side of his head, "You have a very one-tracked mind, just like a mine cart. Once you start something, you keep going until something changes your mind. So, hopefully what I've said will change your mind." She turned back away to watch the river again.
"Where'd you learn about that whole 'new perspective' thing?"
"Well, travelling with Rapunzel and travelling alone are very different. With her, we were a group of at least 4 at various times, and we had her hair as well, but on my own, I've come across problems that we might have solved on that first trip, but I have to re-solve them differently because now I'm on my own. Same problem, new perspective."
"Wow. I'd love to go on my own trip, but I'm needed here. And I kinda can't at the moment either." He laughed, but it was regretful.

"They're worried about you, you know."
"Rapunzel, and Eugene. I've actually never seen him so worried about anyone other than Rapunzel, which means something from such a laid back guy."
"They're just worried about the Moonstone." Varian replied, looking down.
"No. They're worried about you. They can tell somethings up, and want you to open up to them, but know they can force you."
"And what about you? What do you want me to do?"
"I want you to do the right thing when I comes to making sure that you're happy, and safe. But I can't tell you what that is, coz I have no clue as to what's going on up here." She poked him again.
"Huh. That's not what everyone else says."
"What do they say?"
"They say that I should just be happy, or to control my emotions better, and keep telling me to open up about everything. They keep telling to do things. But you, you just gave me advice. Gave me an option."
"Of course. I know what's it's like to sit back and take the back horse. Telling someone to just, do, something isn't fair. You're what, 16?"
"Exactly. Your almost an adult, Varian. You need to make your own choices. The right choices." She got up from the cliff side.
"Thanks. You're like the only person to treat me normally, everyone else seems to still see that 14 year old kid that ruined the kingdom."
"It's kinda hard to see you as a little kid when your taller than me now." She laughed, as she pulled him up. "Come on, we should head home, it's getting late."
"Yeah. But seriously, Cass? Thanks. For listening."
She just smiled.

They headed home, taking the back entrance, and saw Rapunzel and Eugene talking to a guard. Cass held her arm to tell Varian to wait.
"Let's scare them." She whispered.

They hid behind a rose bush, and followed the couple around, hiding behind walls and corners. It was handy that Cassandra knew every inch of the castle grounds.
"Shush, their coming back this way, nows our chance. When I say go, go!"

Two high pitched screams filled the air, as Cass and Varian doubled over in laughter. "Oh god, your faces!"
"Fitzherbert, I didn't know your voice could go that high!"
"Haha. Very funny you two."
"Guys where have you been?! We looked all over the castle for you!"
"We were... out. Simple as. The kid doesn't have to tell you everything." Cass did the talking, Varian was trying to wipe tears off his eyes, and failing.
"Yeah but, well..." Rapunzel glanced awkwardly at his armour. She noted it hadn't changed since last night.
"Well what Raps? By being all awkward and secretive about this, it's no wonder that he's not talking about it."
"I-" She didn't have a response.
"You seem in a good mood Varian." Eugene switched up the subject.
"I had a fun day." He smiled fondly at Cass, who smiled back.
"That's good." Eugene joined the smile club, which left only Rapunzel, still caught off by what Cassandra had said.
"Anyways, it's getting cold, and I don't know about you Varian, but we didn't eat that much today, and I am starved. So let's go eat."
She linked his arm, and the two wandered towards the kitchen.

"You okay sunshine?"
"Yeah just thinking about what Cass said."
"Oh. Alright. I'm gonna go join them, in the kitchen. Love you." He kissed her forehead, and wandered off as well.

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