Break Out

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Varian shot straight up, heavy breathes shaky. That was a horrible, horrible nightmare. He brought a hand to his face, to rub his eyes free of that horror with his gloved hand. He slept with them on, so he didn't hurt himself during his sleep.

A knock at the door startled him. It very slowly opened, and Varian raised his fists in defence.

"Varian?" Eugene's voice came through.
"Oh you're awake. Can I come in?"
"Yeah sure."

"What do you want?"
"Well, Rapunzel didn't tell you, but I found out the king's planning on keeping you locked up in here for a month."
"Keep your voice down! I know it's crazy, so I've a plan. We're going to sneak you out."
"What? I can't, there's guards!"
"I'm captain of the guards Varian." Eugene deadpanned.
"Oh. Right."
"You up for it?"
"Yeah, I got nothing better to do anyways. Is this another attempt to get me to talk?" He asked, suspicious.
"No, this is because it's not right that you aren't allowed out of your room." He replied. It seemed honest.
Varian slipped on a shirt and pants again, and Eugene just nodded, understanding.


"Why do we have to go through my lab?"
"Because your lab is the only place that comes out away from the castle, in town."
"Yeah, but it comes out by Xaviers workshop."
"Well aren't we lucky I've spent the last week with him?"
"Oh, why?"
"The force needed new swords, and apparently it's custom for the newest Captain to get their own sword, so you know, I'm wielding the coolest sword in Corona right now. And I managed to pull another favour that you might like." He winked and smiled knowingly.

They walked in silence, passing through Varian's currently abandoned lab.
"Why are you doing this? Won't you get in trouble?"
"Not if I'm not caught." Eugene shouldered Varian. "Also, it's really not fair that your stuck in there. Do they even let you to the library?"
"Nope. Anything that can cause me distress, even reading, could make my armour worse. They are really trying everything to slow it down, but being left to my thoughts isn't any better."
"How is the armour anyways? Does it still hurt?"
"Not as much as it did on my arms and torso, but yeah, a bit."
"Any idea what's going to happen if it fully forms?"
"Not one. Not that I've been able to research it. I haven't left the castle, and there are no books on the Moonstone in the library."
"Hey, maybe I can ask my dad! He is the king of the dark kingdom."
"Yeah maybe."
They went on in silence once more, until they reached the end of the tunnel.
"Okay, as far as I'm aware, he should be asleep right about now. As long as we're quiet, it should be fine."

They moved very quietly through the workshop, it was a wonder that Xavier kept it so clean. Once out of the way, Eugene pulled Varian into an alley, and took a folded sheet of paper out of his pocket.
"What's that?"
"It's a map of all the tunnels and passages that run through the city. I found it in her diary when we were cleaning out Cass's old room. It really is useful being friends with Rapunzel and Cass, they know so many secrets I could have used back in the day. It's this way." He pulled the teen around a small series of alleys, and over a small wall near the edge of the city. Max and another horse were waiting for them.

Max neigh in confused anger.
"Well what did you think I wanted the other horse for? I wouldn't have to sneak out if I was bringing Rapunzel!"
He neighed again.
"I know he's not meant to be out, but cut him some slack, okay?"
Max gave an annoyed neigh, but bent down so Eugene could get on. Varian did the same, and they rode off.

"You know, I've never really been outside at night, I'm usually asleep, but this is just...Wow." Varian span in little circles as he marvelled in the peaceful night. Fireflies danced around him, and crickets sang somewhere in the grass, as Eugene watched him.
"Yeah, night times is my favourite time. No one to bother you, and it's personally really pretty- don't tell Rapunzel that she will tease me for forever." He begged jokingly.
He took his watch out of his pocket, something Varian noticed: it made him blush with pride; and then Eugene spoke up,
"We need to be heading back soon, but first I want to show you something. Follow me." They got back on their horses, and rode off again.

"Why are we at the wall?" The pulled up the the towering brick wall that shielded Corona from the world.
"Because we are. Now come on." Eugene had thrown a rope with a grappling hook over the top, and was already scaling it. He reached the top, and held an arm down to pull up Varian when he got close enough.
"Ah, wait. Close your eyes."
The teen had a doubtful look.
"Trust me."
He closed his eyes, as Eugene pulled him up, then positioned him in the middle of the wall. He could feel the wind in his face; it was cool, and calming.
"Okay, now open."

The world below him was gorgeous. Rivers flowed peacefully to their own rhythm, as the moon light reflected off of them, painting them as otherworldly streams. The dips and flows of hills cast shadows, forming a new world the day had never seen, all hiding sleeping creatures, and homes, and villages, all unaware of the beauty they missed out on, as they slept. Trees begged to touch the stars, and owls, robins, nightjars danced beneath them, while the Nightingale sang. Fireflies joined the symphony, adding light, and warmth to the cool atmosphere, all while the frogs, and bugs enjoyed each other's company, free from people. Nature was alluring, living free and proud, while the sun slept.
It brought tears to his eyes, just the true, honest magnificence of it all over whelming him.
"I know, right?"
"I feel on top of the world right now."
"Yeah. That feeling never changes, no matter how often I come here, it's always just, amazing."

They sat down, Varian still practically speechless at it all.

"Not to ruin the mood but I've had a question on my mind for a few days now. How old are you?"
"Rapunzel said you're 17."
"Uh, yeah. I am."
Eugene's jaw dropped. "Really?! I'm pretty much ten years older than you!"
"When's your birthday?"
"March 24th."
"That was pretty recently. Don't celebrate?"
"Nah not really. One, I never really had friends growing up, so there was no one to celebrate with really, and two, my mother passed away just before I turned 4, so that, that uh, dampened the mood, just a bit." He smiled a sad, awkward smile.
"Well, even if you don't celebrate, I'm still gonna give you a present."
"What? You don't have to, it's fine, really-"
"Too late. Close your eyes, and hold out your hands." The teen complied. Something flat was pressed into them, long enough to reach from one hand to the other.
"Hehe, yeah it is. When I found out how they were planning on keeping you locked up, and the fact that I never knew how old you were, I felt a bit bad. I never celebrated my birthday growing up, mainly because I didn't have an official one until recently, so I wanted to make sure that you celebrated yours, even if it was just a small present. Rapunzel mentioned that you had learnt to sword fight, so I managed a favour out of Xavier. He really likes you, you know."
"Yeah, he thinks your interesting."
"Huh. That's nice." He smiled as he took in the details of his gift.
"It has my name on it! And the handle has a blue stripe going down it. That's awesome!"
"Yeah, you kept going on about how much you like your hair stripe, so I figured, why not."
"Thank you, Eugene." He hugged the other tightly, not wanting to let go. But a ringing went off in his pocket, and they parted.
"You're using my watch." He noted
"Obviously. It's one of the most useful things I own, no joke. I was actually going to ask, could you make one for each guard? You'll get paid, of course."
"Uh, yeah sure! If...they let me back into my lab."
"Oh, right. Well, I'll see if I can pull some strings with the King, but for now, we gotta get going, you ready- OH MY GOD YOUR HAIR!"
"What?! What about it?!" Varian grabbed at his head.
"It was blue like Cass's was a second ago, now it's bright white."
"Oh, that happens all the time, I thought it was something serious." He waved it off.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, it's no biggie. Let's go."
"Okay..." Eugene scaled down the wall first, and it was a few moments before Varian followed. He slid down the rope, and his hair was 'normal' blue again.
"It's back to blue..."
"Yeah, see? Told you it's fine." He gave a fake smile, before hopping onto his horse. "We need to get home, now let's go!"
They rode off back home, but his hair changing colour was something Eugene couldn't shake.

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