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The ground quaked as he walked. Shards of 'obsidian' shattered the earths crust with every trudging, exhausted step. The towns folk hid in their houses, while guards all tried and failed to get near him, rocks spurring out of the ground and knocking each of them down, without him even trying. He kept going, despite his body's beg not to, not even stopping to consider the casualties.
He knew his destination.

Breaking down the castle gates, he was met with a row of soldiers, all poised to attack. Eugene stood on the upper most steps, watching his troops.
Varian, his body shaking, wanting to fall from exhaustion, raised both his arms, to form a huge wall, completely coloured in purple, between him and the soldiers. Slowly, he tore the wall in two, and shoved either half to each side of the courtyard, trapping all the guards behind them.
"Varian, if you take another step forward, I'll have no excuse but to attack!"
The boy raised his head to look at Eugene, who stepped back in distress.
His eyes. His blue eyes, there was no word to describe them other than dead. Cold, and fragile, and weak, gone was the youthful optimism he always had, and that charm that found its way into people's hearts. Not even the smallest glimmering of it remained.
He was still shaking, more now than before, he didn't even trust himself to move, all he could do was splutter out
before collapsing to the ground.

"Varian!" The princess had been watching it all happen from within the doors, and ran out upon his fall. She vaulted over the railing, landing roughing on the stone below, and went to run to him. A jagged barge of rocks shot out, blocking her path.
Cassandra vaulted over behind Rapunzel, and pulled her back before she could get skewered.
"Be careful Raps."
Eugene walked down the steps rather then jumping the railing, and after a nod from the girls, walked slowly towards the teen. He was allowed pass.
"Of all the people he trusts, it had to be you, huh, Fitzherbert?"
"Shush. Come here Cass, he's out cold, dead weight, I'll need help to carry him safely."
"But-" Cassandra took a pre cautious step forward, realising that she was allowed pass also. She caught up with the captain.
"So, Rapunzel is the only one not allowed to get close?" She questioned.
"I don't think so, it's more than likely the other way around. We're the only ones who are allowed close."
"Oo, that makes sense. The Queen would probably fit that bubble too."
"Why do you say that?"
"You didn't hear about that?" Eugene shook his head. "I'll tell you later." She finished.

They reached Varian, and delicately picked up his body. He was still breathing, but had deep, black bags under his eyes, and was far, far too light for a boy his age and height. Eugene refused to look at his eyes, even though they had closed. They just carried him in doors, as Rapunzel watched from a distance, sorrow in her heart.


He woke up screaming, heart racing, breath acting like it wanted nothing to do with him, forcing itself out as fast as he drew it in. He hunched over into his curled up legs, and began crying, broken sputters escaping as he continued taking deep breaths.
Someone pulled him close. Lifting his head, it was Queen Ariana. Her being there made him cry more, to the point where it hurt his head. But no tears fell. He had cried so much recently that he had run out.

She just held him, petting his head lovingly as he wept. He never wanted her to let go. And yet, he knew he couldn't cry empty tears forever.
He slowly sat away, wiping at his face out of habit, not even daring to look at the Queen. She sat in silence as she watched him take in his surroundings. He was in a room in the castle, that's for sure, but it wasn't his room. The entire layout was the same, but flipped. Instead of looking out over the courtyard and towards the mountains, this window looked out over the gardens, and a forest.
"Where, where am I?" His voice was quiet after not talking for so long. Rudigger was rarely around when he had the full forest to explore.
"You're in the castle."
He gave her a look that said all it needed to, and she laughed a bit at it. Just that filled him with a warmth he had craved for so long.
"You're not in your room, as you can tell. I've had this one made up for you, as it's just down the hall from mine and Fredrick's room."
"Because you're staying here for a while. The king has agreed that you have full roam of the castle, so long as you promise to be careful. So I had your room put here in case you need anything at night, or any time really. Plus I doubt being back in that room would be very fun."
"Okay. Fair." He was only saying small words, not wanting to know what would happen if he said anything more.
He spied a piece of paper and a quill on the desk in the room, which he hopped over to, and quickly drew out a rough map, then handed it to Ariana.
'This is where we stayed after you told us to run. Could someone go and find Rudigger and bring him back here please?' Was written at the top. She folded the paper with a nod and put it in a pocket Varian didn't know she had. He smiled at her, grateful for this, but wasn't able to say it yet. A month or so barely talking to yourself except in angry screams isn't very good practice for talking.
"Varian. I mean this in no bad way, but you look like you desperately need some sleep."
"No th-thank you." He spluttered out.
"Why not?"
He just looked vacantly at her, not wanting to have to say why. She got the message though, and dropped it without further questioning. Instead she stood up.
"I'm going to have someone bring food and water to you, please don't skewer my guards." She joked, but her laugh fell short when she saw the regret on his face.
"Hey, hey. Varian look at me." She cupped his face with her hands. "It's okay, you were acting out of defence, and exhaustion. And no one got hurt. It's fine, really. I checked." Her voice was so calming, it reassured him so much that he let himself believe it. Sitting back in his new bed, he watched as she left the room with a final smile and a wink.

A knock. 'Just a guard with your food Varian, it's fine-'
It was Rapunzel. His hair immediately shot from purple and blue to hot yellow and black. She stepped back when she saw this.
"Please go away." Was all he could muster for now.
"Leave, Rapunzel!" He yelled at her, and both felt the ground shake a bit. He turned away, breathing slowly and deeply, and when he turned back, she was gone.
He slammed the door shut, then flopped onto the bed; when a knock arrived a few moments later, he said "leave it there" to who ever was outside the door, and they complied.

Through out the rest of the day he received many knocks at his door, answering each with a short "Who?" It was mainly Ariana to make sure he was okay, she was clearly worried, but Eugene showed up once, as did Cass, and both said nothing, just sat there, hugging him. Rapunzel didn't show up again. The king did though, but when Varian opened the door, his hair grew red and black, so he slammed it again after a glancing look at the king then at his hair, and an abrupt "Nope."

He came seeking help. It was the last thing he remembered before passing out. So why wasn't he taking it?

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