Chapter Sixteen

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Tyreik's POV

Me and Bella was in the living room watching The Game Plan. My mom was in the kitchen preparing dinner and my dad was in the dining room setting the table. I was kind of nervous about seeing Breanna. Especially, since we ended so harshly. In my opinion. She never responded to my text and I never texted her back. I was thinking about us over the past what???.... Month and a half now we've been broken up. I was in deep thought when I heard a knock at the door. I get up and walk slowly towards the door. I look out the peep hole and see Breanna and Ms. Michelle. I open the door, give Mrs. Michelle a hug and take the cake holder and the bottle of wine out of hands.

There was an awkward 10 second stare between me and Breanna. I was the first to look away not being able to take the heat. I greet Michelle instead.

Me: Evening Mrs. Rogers.

Mrs. Rogers: Good Evening and boy what did I tell you about calling me that. Call me Michelle.

Me: Okay. I'll take this in the kitchen for you. Y'all can just sit down. My mom is almost done with dinner.

I turn on my heels to walk into the kitchen, but I was being held back by Michelle grabbing my wrist.

Michelle: If you don't greet my baby right now...

Me: Sorry. I'm sorry.

I look at Breanna and nod my head towards her.

Me: Hey Breanna.

She let go of my hand allowing me to walk away. I walk in the kitchen just as my mom was walking out. I sit the cake and red wine on the counter and walk back out.

Ma: Dinner will be ready in like 25 minutes. Hope you don't mind.

Michelle: No... Its Okay.

We all are sitting on the couches. The silence is dang near unbearable and awkward. Breanna sits next to her mom on her phone. I unlock my phone and go to my messages. I go to me and Breanna messages and I see the last thing I send to her. Paragraphs spilling out all the things I couldn't hold back anymore. And she never even responded. I tap the text box and began typing.


Me: Come to my room. Please.


After like 15 seconds she look up from her phone and up at me. So I know she got the message. I stand up and she just sit there and looks at me. I was done playing her games. I been done.

Me: *calmly* Now Breanna

Everybody looked at me and then at Breanna. Then back at me. Michelle looked at Breanna and Breanna stood up and followed me upstairs. When we got to my room. When we get to my room I step aside and follow her through the door. I sit at my desk and she stands by my bed. We just look at each other for a while taking in all the silence. After a while I was tired of it.

Me: So. What's going on between us?? Where do we stand? Because I can't take not knowing anymore. At this point I'm close to giving up.

She looks away from me and wipe her eyes. I know she's crying and don't want me to know. But its to late I stand up and walk towards her. I grab her hands and pull her close to me and into a hug. For like 30 seconds she just breaks Down in my arms. Then she's silent. She pushes herself away from me and walks out of my room.

I know she didn't go downstairs because I don't hear them creek. But, I did hear the bathroom door close. I close my eyes and just lay down on my bed on my back with my hands over my eyes. She is becoming way too hard to deal with.  And I am really at the point of giving up. This... All of it was becoming too stressful.

I hear my mom yelling upstairs.

Mama: Marcus?? Breanna??

Me: Yes Ma?

Mama: Its time to eat. Get down here.

Me: Okay.

I sit up and start walking down the stairs and I see Breanna walking out of the bathroom. We walk down the stairs in silence then seat ourselves at the table in complete silence.

Sorry for such a short chapter. I was on punishment and I just wanted to update for you guys quickly.

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