Chapter 28

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Breanna's POV

Me and Miles are walking out if his house and to his car.

Me: King can I drive ?.

King: Yeah Sure.

He hands me the keys, we get into the car and drive off. We drive in silence for about 5 minutes. Then I get tired of it.

Me: King, just because you know my deepest darkest secret doesn't mean I'm a while different person. You can still talk to me. I'm still the same Breanna as before.

King: I know that. Its just that I got a lot of questions that I don't think you want to ask. Or even to be brought up.

Me: Try me. Ask me anything.

King: Do you know who did it?

I cut on my left blinker and looked at him.

Me: Yes, my moms ex-boyfriend.

King: Damn... Where is he now ?

Me: Jail. Hope he gets life. I got a trial coming up soon.

King: He lived with y'all?

Me: Yes. So I was easily accessible. After the second time I---

King: DAMN... He did it twice ?

Me: Yes, and I was like hell nah. The pain was unbearable. I left. I couldn't do it.

King: I got one last question.

Me: Shoot.

King: What did your mom do when she found out?

Me: She tried to shoot him. But she missed. Them the police knocked down our door and took him away... No questions asked.

King: Damnnn Yo Mama a OG for real. She was playing no games about her baby.

Me: Shut up.

He laughs and I laugh too. We pull up at my house and we both get out. He comes to open my door. I get out and lean in to give him a hug.

King: Ma, next time I coming with a suit, a tie, and a rose. And you're going to wear that dress I bought you. Okay?.

Me: Okay. King, that's a bet.

King gives me a kiss on the cheek and I walk up to my porch and wave at him. He honks back and I enter my house.

3 Hours Later

Me and my mom are laying on the couch watching Marley And Me. Well, she's sitting up and I'm laying in her lap.

Me: Ma?.

Mama: Yes baby ?.

Me: What time your flight leaves tomorrow ?.

Mama: 4:30 AM. Why?.

Me: Ma, its 10:38. You got to go to sleep. Or you will be tired.

Ma: You're right Bre.

She gets up and stretches. I do the same.

Me: Mommy, can I sleep with you in your bed.

Ma: Yes Bre.

We walk to her room and within minutes she was sleep. And I followed suit

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