Chapter Twelve

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Breanna's POV

10:00am Sunday, August 3, 2014

When I wake I hear my mama screaming my name.

MamaM: Breanna!! Get down here now! Breakfast is ready!

Me: Okay here I come! *mumbles to herself* Last time I checked it was Sunday. And I'm sleepy.

I grab my housecoat and walk downstairs with Cookie at my heels.

Me: Mama, it smell good all up in through this house.

MamaM: I know that's this new perfume I bought by Rihanna

Me: Ma, no I'm talking about the food. Cause you been throwing down for a lately.

MamaM: Well its the least I could I can do.

We both sit down at the table she grabs my hand and orders me to pray.

Me: Dear Heavnnly Father, thank you for this wonderful meal. Thank you waking us up this morning. Please give us the strength to make it through this day. We ask you to forgive us for our sins and bless us. Help make it through this tough period of time. Amen.

MamaM: Amen

Five minutes later a phone started ringing. And I know it had to be my mamas because my ringtone is Earned It by The Weekend. Mama is too old. Too old to have this ringtone.

Don't know why I came in this club with you girl

Don't know why I came in with these diamonds on my chain

Surrounded by bad bitches I can't get em' out my face

Is it cause a nigga Handsome And Wealthy

Is it cause a nigga cool like a professor

I don't know how you feel can you tell me

I won't know how you feel till you tell me

Is it cause a nigga handsome--

My mama pick up her phone and stand up. Walking out of the kitchen I yell to her

Me: Mama, you is too old for that ringtone!

She look at me and roll her eyes. Then she answer her call. She talking loud so I can still hear her.

MamaM: Hello...

She comes back in the kitchen liking scared. She had the speaker covered up with her hand.

MamaM: Its Tyler

Me: Put it on speaker.

MamaM: Okay, but say anything. What the fuck do you want??

Tyler: To talk. I want to talk.

MamaM: We do have to talk about. What is the possibility that we have something to talk about.

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