Chapter 2

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I had a blast at Tanya's house. Since it was so late, her mama dropped me off. I opened the door as quietly as I could since it was it was like 10:45pm. When I walked in I could hear whimpering, so I dropped my bag lightly and tip- toed towards the kitchen. I dropped my bottom lip and stopped and gust watched at the doorway.

My mama was lying on the floor naked with blood all over her body. But what really scared me was that she was being held at gun point by Tyler.

Michelle's POV

I didn't hear door open and I didn't hear Breanna walk in. I didn't know she was there until I heard

Breanna: Tyler please stop! Please! (She runs over to me a put my head in her lap.) Why do you this to her?!

I figured she was looking at my body, I don't know how bruised up it was but it hurt like crazy.

Tyler: (Points at Breanna) Step yo' b*tch ass back before I have you lookin' just like yo punk ass mama.

Breanna just stopped talking to me and looked , more like mean mugged, at him.

Breanna: Can you please just leave us alone.

Me: Breanna just go please. I love you.

Breanna POV

As I stepped back I looked into my mother's eyes. She looked used and abused. But that was nothing compared to the mixture of emotion I saw in her eyes: hurt, pity, sorrow, helpless ness, and most of all fear. At first I felt pity towards my mom for her letting him treat her this way. But then I realized that all she was doing was for me. She loved me so much to allow me to sit right her and watch her get treated like this. So all I did was curl up in the corner and cry it was all I could do.

Tyler's POV

Me: Michelle when I ask you to do something what all you do?

Michelle: (Quietly) Do it

Me: B*tch, speak up. You wasn't so quiet when you was telling me no!!

Michelle: I'll do it Tyler.

B*tch didn't realize that I was the man of this house. So I had to let her know who ran this shit. Told her to come and let me see what that mouth do. But she don't want to. So this is what she gets. ........... Ohh and Breanna was looking mighty finetoday.

I picked up my keys and walked out of the house slamming the door

Breannas POV

When Tyler walked out of the front door I ran over to my mama. And both my and her years was flowning uncontrollably. So I just picked up her head and set it in lap, hugged, and rocked her. After about 10 minutes of this I went and locked the front door. Then I ran upstairs to ran a bath for my mama.

When I got back downstairs I helped my mama upstairs to her bath. First I washed her hair, then her body multiple times making sure be gental on all of her bruises. Not talking the whole time. All that was heard was the splashing of the water. I dried her off then led her to my room and laid her on my bed. Then I massaged the bruised parts of her body with neosporin, coco butter, and Vaseline. Then I put her on her pajamas and layed her in my bed.

After I did the same for myself I laid behind my mama

Mama: Bre, thank you for being here. I love you baby. I love you so much words can't explain it. And I'm so sorry you had to see me like this today.

Me: I love you to Mommy. And you are my entire world. But Mama your beautiful, hardworking, intelligent, and a lot of other stuff. Ma, you deserve better. Why are you still with him.

Mama: He promised me he will make your life a living hell if I ever tried to leave him. But if I kept him he will never hurt you. But we'll talk tomorrow. Goodnight Baby. I love you.

Me: Goodnight Ma, I love you to.

The next morning when I woke when I woke up my mama was gone. Then I realized just how much of a pro Tyler was. Now that I think about it I didn't see a bruise nowhere that clothes couldn't cover up. I looked at my clock and it was 10:32. She was at work. So I just closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

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