Chapter 20

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Breanna's POV

I was lying on my bed, on my stomach, and on my phone when Tyreik walked in from his shower. I'd just got out right before he got in. I turned my head and followed him to my bed. I was smiling at him and he sat down next to me. He kissed me on the forehead and laid down on his back next to me. I sat up and gave him a hug and he just held me in his arms.

Me: Ty, I'm so sorry for blowing all things out of proportion. I love you way too much have treated you like that. Like, I mean you've been there for me through everything and I appreciate all you've done for me. Tyreik, I --

Tyreik: Its okay Breanna. Just leave it. You have no reason to apologize. I love you way to much too. And I honestly hate to see you hurting the way you are. You're hurting yourself and you need to stop. You already understand how much people love you. Okay?

Me: Yes Papi.

He stares at me with a huge grin then we both laugh and he squeezes.

Mama: Breanna! Tyreik! Breakfast is ready.

We stand from my bed and he just hugs me. We walked downstairs hand in hand. When we get downstairs I see my mama making our plates at the kitchen table. We both sit down and she does too. She take our hands in hers and we pray. Then we eat.

Mama: So. Breanna, can we please compromise a little. I'm so stressed. And I just l know you are too.

Me: Mama please. I really don't want to talk about this. All least not right now.

Mama: Well, you're now always gone and we never have time to talk now. So, we'll talk now.

Me: Ma? Please don't.

I look at Tyreik and he looks back and forth from me to my mom. I look at my mom and she caught on to what I've been trying to avoid.

Mama: Its okay. Tyreik done been for you through it all. You can discuss this around him.

Me: Okay. What ?

Mama: I honestly think you going to therapy will really help you. I understand that you may not want to talk to some random person about it. Nor do you want anyone's pity. But talking about it always help.

Me: If talking helps then why can't I just talk to you, or Mrs. Nape, or Aunt Simone? Why do it have to be some random person?

Mama: Because, they have techniques. They know how to break through people. They know how to make you understand.

Me: I already understand how cruel some people can be or how things like this shouldn't happen to a girl like me. Or any girl at all. So, what else do I need to understand?

Me: I honestly don't know. Something that I can't make you understand. I have some dates set with a judge named Mr. Sawyer. We'll meet with him before our actually court date.

Me: Okay. Let's work on a compromise. When do we meet with the judge ?

Mama: July 31st, August 3rd, and August 12th.

Me: Okay. So I'll go to therapy if you and Mr. and Mrs. Nape take a vacation to get rid of stress. You have to leave the Thirteenth and can't come back until the 20th. One whole week.

Mama: Deal. You know I'll do anything to overcome this obstacle.

Me: So, where we'll you go?

Mama: I don't know we'll agree on something.

Bring... Bring... Bring...

My moms leave the table to pick up the house phone.

Mama: Hello?... Oh Hi... I'm fine... She's fine.... We're just sitting here talking... He's good too I'm guessing... He's here too.

I look at Tyreik and he looks at me and smirk.

Tyreik: Okay.. I have to go. Need to get home

Me: Okay.

We both stood and he pulled me into a hug. I looked up at him and into his eyes.

Tyreik: I love you

Me: I Love You Too.

I grab the back of his neck and stand on my tiptoes and kissed him. I heard my mom hang up the phone. I tried to pull away. But he wouldn't let me go. I smiled and just held on to him. He stopped kissing me right when my mom walked in. But, he continued to hug me.

Mama: Hmm.. True love ?

Me: Yeahh

Tyreik: I guess you could say that. But I got to go.

Mama: Okay... See you later Marcus.

Me: Bye, Ty. And it sounds so weird we both call him two different names.

Mama: But they're both his name.

Tyreik: Yeah. That's true.

Mama: Yea. Bye Baby. She kissed him on the cheek and he walked out.

~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~So... Like, Comment, Vote, and pray for me. My Nana's funeral is tomorrow. I love all my supporters, that's been there from the beginning. Sorry For Any Mistakes

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