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It had been 2 days since Karl had told Sapnap to fly over to his place. He was beyond exited. It was around 8 o'clock in the after noon, when he decided he had cleaned the house enough. He grabbed his car keys and got into his car. 

He pulled out of the driveway, and drove to the nearest store. He pulled into the parking lot and walked inside. 

It was cold, but Karl didnt mind. He took a basket from the stand at the front and walked around threw out the store. He stodd in front of the makeupe isle for a moment. He looked threw all the colors of nail polish and eye liner, until he decided on a few colors. He grabed 4 nail polish bottles, and 2 black eye liner bottles and was on with his shopping.

He walked over to the the snack isle and picked out a few snacks. He grabbed a small box of cookies, and two bags of ruffles and lays chips. He walked over to the front of the store and saw a few candy bars. 'Sapnap might like that' He thought. He grabbed a twix bar and a kitkat bar, and set his stuff down on the counter. 

He sees an old man working at the counter. Karl sets his items on the counter, and pulls out his wallet. 

"Trying to impress a girl-" 

"guy." Karl cuts him off. Karl looks down at his feet and fidgets with his hands.

"Oh so you're one of them the man says in a rude tone.

Karl stares at him. He wants to punch him. He doesnt even want to look at him anymore. But he has to pay.

He throws 25.00 dollars on the counter and grabs his stuff. He walks out of the store witha fast pace, and heads to his car. He is furious. He sets his stuff down in the back seat, and drives back to his house. 

As soon as Karl pulls into the drive way, he walks inside and sets the stuff on the table. Karl runs up the stiars and pulls a cute basket from under his bed. He runs back down the stairs, and sets the basket on the table. He sets the eye liner and nail polish in the basket, along with the snacks. 

Karl grabs some tissue papper from the cabinet, and stuffs inside. Karl looks at his basket, and smiles. He ties a little red ribon on the handle, and sets it down on the side table. 

"I should call Sapnap." Karl mumbles. He picks up his phone, and facetimes the boy.

Sapnaps point of view:

"Hey baby!" Sapnap says smilling. he could tell Karl was blushing. 

"Oh shush." Karl says laughing. 

"So what are you up to?" Sapnap asks. He sees Karl duck out of frame, and grab a pan "Making some food?" He sees Karl knod. 

"Lemme gues.. Grilled cheese?" Sapnap giggles. "h-how did you know!?" 

Sapnap's face goes red. "W-well its your favorite! you told me a few nights ago when we called!" the younger said smilling. 

"You actually listened to me?" Karl says in awe. 

"Well of course I did!" He sees Karl smile. He watches as Karl make his grilled cheese. Karl walks up the stairs, and flops down on his bed. He watches as Karl lays back down on his pillow, and enjoys his grilled cheese. 

"Im so exited to visit you tomorrow!" Sapnap says exitedly.

"Ya same! I cant wait. everything is prepared for when you get here!" 

Sapnap gets a text. He looks down at his phone and sees a text from Dream.

'Hey sapnap! I was thinking I would rent out a cruise ship- I know I know. Its a crazt move, but wouldnt it be so fun to go on a month long trip with the whole SMP!?" 

Sapnaps eyes go wide. He sees Karl looking at him with a confused face. 

"What happend? what are you lloking at?" Karl says witha grin

"W-well Dream said hes gonna rent a cruise- and that the whole smp is invited..."

Karls face eyes go wide and a huge smile rests on his face.

"W-when is this all happening?! Cause we should totally go if it happening soon!" Sapnap smiles, and looks down at his phone. 

"Hm. ok.. he say its taking off in about.. 5 days!" Sapnap says. 

Karl smiles. "Is that ok? we could maybe spent most of the time on the cruise. so you wouldnt really get much time here. Its all good with me, but i- i just wanna make sure."

"Well of course it is! Who doesnt want to go on a full paid trip!?" 

Karl smiled from ear to ear. Sapnap heard giggeling from the other end of the phone. He looked up at Karl. 'Gosh. He looks adorable right now..'  Sapnap flufs his hair lighty realizing what he had just thought.

The two talked for a few more hours. Just about the most randome things too. Sapnap glances over at his clock.


"Hey Karl, I think ima hit the hey" He says yawning. He heard no responce. "Karl?" 

Sapnap turns over on his side and looks at the screen. Karl is laying there, fast asleep. Sapnap giggled a took a screenshot. "Good night Karl. See you tommorow." He laughs as he hangs up the phone. 

Sapnap smiles, and lays on his back staring at the celing. He slowly closes his eyes, and drifts asleep.



anyways, I hope you enjoyes this chapter! the next one should be out either later tomorrow, or the next day! I hope you have a great rest of your day or night! 

-Sincerely Paige <3

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