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The rest of the cruise went smoothly. They ended up doing a masive Marco Polo sstream with everyone on the cruise, and had a great time.

Karl and Sapnap's realtionship had never been better, and the fans loved it. To be honest. They where sad that the cruise had to end, but they would get over it. Not to mention, there was talk of The ferel boys, and Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Ranboo, and more renting a house for a little while.

Everyone was at their highpoint. And they had no intentions of coming down.


Yes I know that last bit was fucking cheesy but leave me alone- lmao.

ANYWAYS- I wanted to say thank you guys. SO much. I honestly never expected to get over 30 reads. I was on the phone with some of my friends, talking about how I was going to write a fanfic. Non of us thought I could EVER- get this far. like at all.

And some of my friends who where just suportive, and just full on AMAZING along the way 😏




Karlnap fanfic will be in the process soon, but Im not 100% sure when the first chapter is going to come out? idk lol-

Anyways. Thank you guys so much for all the reads. Ily all sm.

I hope you have a great rest of your day or night.

-Sincerelly Paige <3


Ended: June 3rd 2021

Total words: 23,441

reads: 7.2k (6/3/21)

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