The Hike

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So theres gonna be a lot of perspective jumping between the two, just a heads up. Ile try to make it as clear as posible tho lol. Also, this is kinda just filler chapter. But ile try to make it as interesting as posible... Some stuff happens tho- nothing crazy but ykkk. anygays- lets gooooo!


Karl woke up the next morning, rolling over onto his side. 'how did I end up in my bed...?' he thought to himself. He checked his alarm by his bed.


Karl threw of his covers, and got out of bed. He was burning. He took of his shirt, and threw on a tank top. Karl walked over to the gues bedroom where Sapnap was sleeping. He cracked the door open slightly, and saw that Sapnap was awake on his phone. Karl knocked on his door and poked his head threw.

"Goodmorning sunshine!" Sapnap called smilling. Karl noticed that he had no shirt on. His face turned pink. Sapnap got out of bed, and walked out the door fluffing Karl's hair on the way out. He was only in sweats. Karls mouth dropped, as he hid his face in his hands. He was blushing hard now.

Karl snapped back to reality, and began walking downstairs. He saw Sapnap in his kitchen with two bowls of frosted flakes. 

"Here!" Sapnap smiled, and motioned for him to sit down. As Karl took a seat the younger slid over a bowl of cereal. "Thanks!" he blurted.

They sat there for a minute, eating there creal and looking at there phones when Karl remembered something. "Oh ya. Did you carry me to my room last night?" Sapnap's eyes grew wider. 

"Oh y-ya- sorry bout that. You fell asleep on the couch near the end of the movie, so I just carried you too your room.." He said, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. 

"No no no! Thank you! It would have been uncomfortable down there." he chuckled.

Karl smiled 'that was so nice of him...' He looked over at Sapnap with a confused look. "wait but how did you cary me? Im not that light!?" He giggled. 

Sapnap laughed. 

"one,  you're quite light." he smiles. 

"two, I just lifted you off the sofa, and wraped your legs and arms around my back, It wasnt very hard." 

"and three, even if you where heavier I could still lift you anyways." 

He smirked. Karl smiled and put his empty bowl in the sink. 

"So we have one day here." He said walking over to the living room. "What should we do?" 

Sapnap looked over at Karl and shrugged his shoulders. "I mean. We could maybe go hiking? Im not sure though. On the plane I read a brochure that said there where some cool national forests that had good hiking trails."'

Karl thought for a minute. "That sounds like a great idea!" He smiled. 

Sapnap put his bowl in the sink, and walked over to the couch where Karl was sitting. "Hey handsome!" He mocked. Karl looked up at Sapnap and shook his head giggling. "why hello there other handsome person!" He said with a smirk. Sapnap patted Karl's head and grabbed the TV remote. 

Karl looked over at Sap as he grabbed it. 'He has a 6 pack? wow..' he thought to himself. He stared a little more, befor realizing Sapnap was saying his name. 

"KARL" He shouted, ruffling the elders shoulder. Karl's eyes widened, and he turned to Sapnap. "What- oh sorry. Just spaced out for a second there..." He said with a fake laugh. 

They were just friends. Right?Where stories live. Discover now