The Arival

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Karl woke up the next morning. He looked over at his phone and checked his texts:

Sapnap: "You fell asleep on the call silly lmao." 

Karl immediately texted back. "Oh god. I did!? Im so sorry! was I snoring!? im so sorry!!!" He waited a moment. He saw the three small dots show up, signifying that Sapnap was typing. All of a sudden a messege popped up on his screen.

Sapnap: "No no no! Your fine, you didnt snore! You looked adorable haha :)" Sapnap wrote. Karl smiled from the text

Karl: "Alrighty, just making sure! Also, what time do you think you will be arriving?" 

Sapnap: "Im actually on the plane rn- lols. Ile be landing in abt an hour" he texted.

Karls eyes grew wide. He glared over at his clock.


Karl leaped out of his bed and, and threw on the outfit he had a few days ago. (dont worry, it was washed) He was debating about wearing the skirt, but decided to hold off on that. He tucked his shirt, into his jeans.

The elder then grabbed his phone, and skipped over to the bathroom. He opened up his cabinet, and grabbed a nearly empty eyeliner bottle. It was his moms. He had took it from her purse when she last visited him. He wanted to try it out, but never got the chance to. Until now.

He slowly pulled out the Brussel, and applied it above his eyes. He made a small wing next to his eye. And looked at himself in the mirror. Karl smiled. He then did the next eye. It looked just as good as the left one did. Karl giggled, and moved his face closer to the bathroom mirror to get a better look. He loved it. He felt pretty.

Karl picked his phone back up, and check his texts. He decided to text Sapnap back because he left him on read for a couple minutes.

Karl: "hey! Sorry I didn't respond for a while. I was getting ready for when you get here heh."

Sapnap: "oh your all good! What where you doing to get ready? 😏" He texts jokingly.

Karl: "oh well I guess you're gonna half to wait until you get here ;)" 

Sapnap: "awww fine >:(" he texts taunting.

Karl laughs. He goes down into the kitchen, and starts scrolling on Twitter. He sees a new post from Dream 

'Hey guys! So the whole SMP is going on a month long cruise! I can't guarantee we will be live or posting, but who knows!? Miss you guys!'

Karl smiles. He opens his fridge, and pulls out a pre-made breakfast burrito. He wasn't the best chef. But when he learned how to cook something. He could do it pretty well. 

The shorter boy popped the burrito into the microwave, and set it for 2 minutes. 

After the few minutes went by, he grabbed his food and walked over to the living room. He figured that he had just enough time to watch some cartoons, so he plopped down on the couch and turned on a random episode of Adventure time.

~After the episode~

Karl ran up to the bathroom and pulled out a hair dryer. He fluffed out his hair as much as possible, and checked his eyeliner one more time. He smiled, and walked back into the main part of the house. 

He grabbed his Keys and wallet from the bowl, and set down the small box with the goodies in it on the counter. He had a huge smile on his face and pranced out the door. 

They were just friends. Right?Where stories live. Discover now