The Call

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Just a little heads up before this chapter starts, Sapnap and Karl's point of view in the story change regularly. Just letting you guys know before reading so its not as confusing haha. (I will give ya'll a little heads up before though, so don't worry lmao) also, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 14 READS IN 1 DAY!!! ILYSM!!! now let's get on with the chapter! <3


Sapnap's Point of view:

Sapnap giggled. not really for a reason, but more because he was thinking about the stream. And how stupid it was for the group to make that ridiculous comment about him and Karl. Sapnap's finger hovered over the call button. He sat there for a minute, thinking about why he was so hesitant to call him. He shook his head a little and hit the 'start video call'

"Helloooo!" Sapnap said with a goofy smile on his face. Karl picked up almost instantly, Wich made him happy. 

"Im actually getting dressed for bed right now haha. so gimme a sec and I'm all yours." Karl said laughing a bit. 

"Oh okie dokie." Sapnap face grew pink. He hid his cheeks in the palms of his hands. 

Karl took off his colorful shirt, and threw it in his laundry basket. along with his Jeans, and then changed into a new pair of boxers. He slipped on a pair of grey sweats, and crawled onto his bed ready to get under the covers. Sapnap glanced over at his phone and saw Karl hop on his bed shirtless. His face turned hot. He stared at Karl adoringly, as he rummaged around looking for something on his bed. All of a sudden he saw a hand grab at the camera.

"Found you!" Karl said "sorry my phone got lost in the abyss of covers"  Karl said with a laugh as Lifted up his phone, and set it on his pillow so that Sap could see from his shoulders above. Sapnap stared at his defined shoulders and collar bones. He could tell he was blushing but was too focused on Karl, that he didn't even notice him saying his name.

"oh wh- what? sorry I was zoning out for a minute there haha.." Sapnap said slightly embarrassed. 

"ya I could tell" Karl said laughing. "anyways, what do you wanna talk about?" 

"n-not sure" Sapnap said stuttering a bit. "I mean we could get to know each other a little bit more. Ive only became good friends with you a little while ago." Karl nodded. 

Karl's Point of view: 

"so tell me about yourself then. Tell me everything about you!" Karl said passionately.

"oh me? ok then." Sapnap giggled. "Well I was born in Texas, and I've lived there till this day. And I have two sisters! Theres not really much more to know about me I guess." Sapnap said with a light laugh. Karl loved that laugh. He smiled and said "Nah. there has to be more about you! whats your favorite color? When did you get into Minecraft and streaming? Have you ever had a girlfriend?" Sapnap thought about all the questions. except the last one. He never really thought about girls. more or less thought about having a girlfriend. He sat there for a minute trying to process it all. 

"Hey Sap you all good?" Karl said with a slightly worried look on his face. "Oh, y-ya I'm all good!" Sapnap said with a fake plaster smile on his face. Karl could tell something was up. "Anyways, My favorite color is probably Green and... hm. Blue or purple. and I got into Minecraft quite a while ago, but got into YouTube and streaming and stuff earlier this year." Karl noticed Sapnap paused. "Have you ever had a girlfriend?" Karl stepped in and asked. "No" Sapnap said with a slight laugh. "Ya same here." he said. 

They called for another hour, laughing and talking like they have been friends for years. They talked about the most random stuff too. Like the first time they each beat Minecraft in survival, and when they graduated high school, and funny stories of themselves. 

They were just friends. Right?Where stories live. Discover now