Cruise Ship

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Get ready for this one folks- 😀 


It was nearly 2pm when Sapnap pulled into the parking lot of the doc, and Karl was fast asleep. The younger looked at him in awe, and grabbed their stuff from the back. He walked over to Karls side of the car, and tapped his shoulder. 

"Hey we're at the cruise.. You gotta get up." He whispered To Karl, trying not to startle him awake.

"mhhh.." He mumbled. Sapnap took the blanket off him and tossed it into the back seat.  "Well you gotta get on somehow?!" he smirked. 

"C-cary me..." Karl mumbled sleepily. Sapnap giggled. "Fine, but Im setting you down once we get on ok? ok."

Sapnap set the bags down, and picked up Karl from his seat. The smaller boy wrapped his arms  around Sapnap's kneck and rested his head on his shoulder. 

He grabbed the bags and shut the door, walking on board the cruise. 

"I see your carrying your new boyfriend?" 

Sapnap whipped his head around. "He-hes not my boyfriend Dream. also shush." He points down to Karl and raises and eyebrow. "Kidding... Kidding." Dream laughs. "So, anyways. How was the drive here?" 

"Oh not too bad. Karl was asleep most of the time, but we stopped for In-N-Out on our way here." 

"Cool. Here follow me, Im going to announce the rooms that we will be staying in." Sapnap nodded, and followed Dream. 

Sapnap nudged Karl and he oppend his eyes. "Here you gotta stand now, their saying the rooms." Karl rubbed his eyes, and put a leg down to the floor. He stepped down next to Sapnap and put his hood up.

Dream started anoucing names of people in rooms. 

"Ok so. Tommy and Tubbo, Skeppy and Bad..." and he carried on. 

"Hey wassup Karl!?" Karl felt a pat on his back, and turned around. It was Chandler, Jimmy, and Chris. 

"Oh hey guys!" Sapnap said giving them all a high five. "Hey whats up with Karl?" Chandler asked nudging Saps shoulder. "Ah, he just woke up." 

Chandler nodded, and walked over to the crowd of people. 

"Eret and Wilbur, Techno and Fundy, and Karl an Sapnap. Come up and grab your room keys, and get all settled in." 

Karl and Sapnap both walked up to Dream, and took the keys. 

"y-you can come on and see us anytime if you want bye the way. you know our room." Karl said too his friends, as he smiled and walked away with Sapnap by his side.

The two boys walked up to the second floor, and oppend up their room. "Wow sweet room!" Sapnap said, setting his stuff down on the floor.

Karl walked in and smiled "This is so nice!?" He smiled. "Can I have thiss bed pleaseeee." Karl walked over, and sat criss-cross on the bed closet to the balcony and window. 

"hmm... Only if we can cuddle tho." Sapnap smirked, obviously joking. "Maybe. We'll see..." He winked. 

Sapnap was flustered, he could tell. "Oh wait!" Karl shouted. "Ile be right back."

"Oh- ok then." laughed Sapnap. Karl ran out of the room and too the car. 

"Kinda stormy out here-" Karl said shivering. All of a sudden he heard someone talking on the speakers. 

"Attention passengers. looks like there is a slight storm, so we advise you to stay in your rooms. We will also be departing in 5 minutes! Thank you, and have a good trip." 

They were just friends. Right?Where stories live. Discover now