7. Fina-fucking-ly

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A few months later

"I don't care! You promised me that shipment by yesterday! ... I don't care if you have to pay extra!... I want my stuff now Giovanni." Galaxy hangs up the phone angrily.

"So... who's Giovanni?" Adrian asks.

Galaxy shrugs as if it's no big deal, "just a supplier for this company I bought when I first moved here. Bitch thought he could just not deliver to me." She rolls her eyes at Giovanni's stupidity.

Adrian winces remembering the last time he didn't listen to her and he ended up floating in the ocean for hours before they finally convinced her he'd learned his lesson.

"So what did you need?" She asks while pulling out one of her daggers and playing with it.

He visibly gulps, but refuses to back down, "I was told to tell you to pack, you're leaving in a few days for your next gang or whatever."

"Wow so your dad wants rid of me already, oh well, C'est la vie." She shrugs again walking back to her room without another word.

Adrian just stares after her wondering what happened to make her so guarded yet carefree at the same time. He knows the school did something to her, but they could never figure out what it was.

A few days later

The plane sets down on the tarmac jostling the only passenger. When the system is finally cooled down and everything has been checked, the pilot leaves the plane heading for the man waiting next to an old camaro in pristine condition.

Galaxy giggles as she looks at the car, "please tell me that is a fully restored second generation Camaro."

The man next to it looks shocked that she knows what it is, "Damn a girl who actually knows what they're talking about when it comes to cars!"

She scoffs at him while sending him a glare, "and what makes you think it's such a rarity that a girl knows what she's talking about when it comes to cars. I know plenty of guys who don't know shit about cars, so how bout you shut the fuck up and get in the damn car because I am not putting up with a sexist fuck driving this beauty." She continues to glare as she gets in the driver's side pulling out her gun and setting it on her lap to keep it trained on him.

The man sends her a glare, but doesn't say anything back before getting in the passenger side. He doesn't even notice the gun trained on him before he asks, "Do you know where you're going?" condescendingly. She just looks at him as she starts the car and drives off.

During the drive her phone rings, "pick that up for me and put it on speaker will ya" she nods to the phone in the cup holder.

He glares at her, but answers the phone, flinching at the screaming voices on the other side of it.

"You finally fucking answered, I've called you like 3 times today!" Paris screams into the phone.

"First off shush, I have a passenger. Second I told you I was moving today. Third, whats so important that you called 3 times, you know I would've called you back when I got the first." Galaxy speaks while keeping her eyes on the road.

"Oh ok, so where are you right now?" Paris replies calmer, but with a hint of anger still in her voice.

"Driving to the chinese mafia's mansion." Galaxy states nonchalantly. Her companion glares at her for revealing it to someone.

"Sweet, I'll be nearby then!" Paris squeals into the phone all the anger gone.

"Wait! What do you mean you'll be nearby?!?" Galaxy squeals back knowing something big happened.

"Well I might be the last one, but I've finally been placed! I'll be at the Korean Mafia's in the next couple of days."

"Fina-fucking-ly, is everything set up for her?"

"Yeah even taught her how to use the ..."

Galaxy doesn't let her finish before interrupting her,"Perfect does she know about everything too or are we waiting?"

"I decided she wasn't ready, but she will know before I go because its going to hurt her even more if she doesn't find out before you come back."

"Ok, call me if she needs anything, don't forget the numbers. Talk to you soon."

"Will do! See you later!"

"No! Don't come see... and she hung up." Galaxy sighs, before pulling over to the side of the road.

Glancing at the man next to her, "you know I never did get your name?"

"It's Zhang Wei," he grumbles glaring at her.

"Well Zhang Wei," she starts, narrowing her eyes, "no one will hear of this conversation, ever. Got that?"

He continues to glare at her but this time with defiance in his eyes, "no way am I taking orders from some bitch who has no idea who she's talking to."

She cocks her head to the side, "I have no idea who I'm talking to do I? Are you not Zhang Wei, second in command of the chinese mafia, who fucked up their last mission and is now being forced to be my escort," she finishes with her eyes narrowing even further than before.

He gulps before sneering, "but what can a little girl like you do to me?"

"Quite a lot actually considering I could have killed you 20 times already in the last 3 minutes of conversation. I mean this gun isn't sitting in my lap for nothing."

He finally looks down to notice that she did indeed have a gun trained on him the whole trip. He merely nods his head conceding, "I will not tell anyone of this conversation."

"If I hear about this conversation at any point I will not hesitate to kill your son and make you watch then let you go knowing you got your own son murdered because you couldn't keep your fucking mouth shut." She finishes her threat and throws the car in gear, taking off down the street again.

His glare melts off his face replaced with pure pain and terror for his family, as if something similar had already happened. She glances at him from the corner of her eye trying to decide whether to shoot him or not, but seeing the emotions on his face she decides that it is safe to not harm him. He had obviously heard of her reputation despite her lack of experience in the real world and knew that could very easily end their lives.

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