16. My turn to reveal to her!

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The second Paris enters the doorway with Rosie tied up and cussing her out, Domino's face turns green. Galaxy calls her out, "Oh so now you're feeling sick? Now that we're going to torture your own daughter!"

Domino trembles, but stays quiet knowing she will vomit if she even opens her mouth one centimeter. She can't believe that her daughter would be so willing to torture her own sister. Paris speaks up before Galaxy can begin, but she can't understand the language. Although she does notice that Galaxy's smirk lessens slightly at whatever was said.

Galaxy replies to her in the weird language before turning her full attention to the girl tied up. "Do you know why I brought you here?"

Rosie trembles a little, but shakes her head no. "No, I thought you were supposed to be my mentor, so why is my mother tied to that chair?" She finishes with a pointed look at the woman tied up.

"Oh no no no no no no," Galaxy tuts out. Looking at Domino as well, "Do you want to tell her or should I?"

Domino moans out, "No please don't! She's done nothing wrong!"

Galaxy chuckles at that, "No, but the sins of the mother are the sins of the daughter." She puts on a sadistic grin pulling Rosie to her while playing with the knife in her hand. "So what's it gonna be? Either you say it in the next 3 seconds or I will." Her face turns serious as she puts 3 fingers up, starting her countdown.

Domino keeps moaning, "No, no, no!" 1 finger down. "I can't! I can't!" 2 fingers down. "Ok ok stop I will tell her." Galaxy stops, letting her have the moment, but her pointed glare lets Domino know to talk faster.

Domino takes a deep breath, looking into her youngest daughter's eyes, "Darling meet your older sister, I would say names, but it doesn't sound like you trust each other enough for that."

A flash of rage and then confusion passes through Rosie's face, "You knew! You knew I was your little sister!" She yells at Galaxy, but then notices Domino's smirk, "Oh no mother, you do not get to smirk like that! You had 7 years to tell me, but you didn't until you were threatened." Rosie's glare at both of them is so icy that the other girl's watching this exchange were wondering if she really meant what she said.

Galaxy understood her pain though, because she had also kept it from her for a year before she was willing to tell her and then she wasn't even the one to tell her. But for the sake of the game with her mother she replies, "Actually you told me sister, when you yelled out 'mother' the first time you saw her, a few days ago."

The anger in Rosie's eyes slightly disappears, but she still is glaring at her mother. "She's given her reasons, what are yours mother."

Their mother shivers at the iciness in both of her daughters' eyes. "I had to protect you," is all she croaks out before she starts balling.

Galaxy scoffs, but Rosie looks intrigued, "protect me from what?"

Domino glances at Galaxy, but moves her eyes to Rosie once she sees that her daughter won't save her, "the Russians had been threatening to kill you."

At this Galaxy bursts out laughing, "I can't, I just can't! Jasmine explains the real reason please." She says while still laughing, unable to control herself. She no longer cares about pretending to not know each other's names.

All eyes turn to Jasmine, but Galaxy's as she continues laughing like she had heard the funniest joke of all time. "Well from what I have gathered over my investigations, your father was too much of a pussy to allow weak little girls to live in his household. He knew how this school changed your mother and decided that the strength was worth the pain for you. He sent you so early because he couldn't stand that the next child might be a girl as well and then he would have two weaknesses. He was willing to wait for Rosie because your mother waited till she knew the gender before she told your father she was pregnant."

When she finishes Domino is in tears yet again, but the rage on Rosie's face is palpable.

Finally Galaxy has sobered herself up and turns back to her mother, "Now you've answered some of our questions, but I need more answers. What happens at graduation?"

The full graduation ceremony is always kept a secret from the younger students and only once going through it do you know exactly what happens.

Domino starts shaking and gets lost in her memories of what happened. "I can't, I can't handle it!" She screams.

Ashley steps forward tsking at her, "tsk, tsk, tsk, you and I both know that something terrible happens and we need to know so you're going to tell us or I'm going to talk to a teacher about giving Rosie here her initiation early."

Rosie looks around confused, but the other girls smirk at Domino, who is continuously shaking her head no, while hiding that they each are fighting off the fear of those words. When the silence gets to her Rosie blurts out, "What the hell is the initiation!"

Galaxy glances at Rosie quickly before turning back to her mother, "My turn to reveal to her!" She sings out with a creepy grin on her face. She turns to Rosie seriously, "Well Rosie... the initiation... it's... it's where the teachers tie you down and rape you." She hesitates a bit before finally letting it all out. "Every student used to have to go through it before they were allowed to go abroad, hopefully our message was taken seriously and it was stopped, but they would be very willing to start again if we were the ones asking." She directs that last part to Domino who is watching carefully.

Rosie's face drains of color before she turns back to her mother, "You fucking bitch! First I find out you hid a sister from me, then I find out you're an alumni, now you fucking knew that she was going to be raped! And you call yourself a mother! You lost that title the minute you sent Galaxy here! I don't even want to look at you right now! You make me sick! You better fucking tell them what they need to know because they do not make empty threats!"

Seeing the change in Rosie, Galaxy feels a moment of pride for her sister, but hides it so their mother doesn't recognize that their relationship is much deeper than she could ever know.

Domino on the other hand still refuses to talk, so Galaxy unties Rosie and let's her fight their mother for a minute. Rosie takes full advantage of the opportunity before she can be taken away. She slaps her mother as hard as she possibly can, "You are a disappointment as a human being and I hope you're happy with the fate that you have left me with!" She then proceeds to throw the chair Domino is tied to, to the floor and kicks as much as possible into her stomach. She is secretly hoping to make it so her mother can never have kids again.

Ashley steps forward again, pulling Rosie off of her mother "Any last words to your daughter before I take her?"

"I'm sorry darling. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." She whispers out.


Domino whimpers, but finally she says, "Stop, I'll tell you, just don't do this to your little sister."

Galaxy gives her a look gesturing for her to continue, "The graduation ceremony mother?"

She takes a deep breath before speaking, "the graduation ceremony is a one for all battle between the friend groups you made as 7 year olds to prove who is the strongest or smartest. You fight to the death, and from there only one person from each group is allowed to graduate. At the official ceremony announcing you as the victor all active graduates are required to attend. Despite the extra people around, the campus is even more locked down than usual because gangs will sometimes try to help their chosen candidate cheat to pass the exam."

"Now was that so hard?" Paris taunts.

On the other hand Galaxy laughs sadistically again, "Wow! No wonder you gave us up so easily! You killed the 3 people in the world who should have been your family! You should have protected each other! You obviously don't know what family is."

With that said all of the girls turn and leave, Domino is still tied up sitting in the dark, but they don't care anymore they got the information they needed from her.

The sisters and their mother end up crying themselves to sleep that night. Galaxy for her friends and the plan they need to save each other in the future. Rosie for what she now knows her own sister has been through. Domino for her own weakness that she couldn't even save some of the most important people in her life: her sisters and her daughters.

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