14. Mark, are you busy?

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When they wake up the next morning, Rosie feels as if she had the best sleep she had had in years. She feels rested, her anxiety is low, and she's ready for her exam. She isn't sure if it was that she spent the night with her sister or if seeing her mother again helped or what, but she was going to enjoy the feeling while it lasted.

Galaxy can feel her sister's energy, but isn't awake enough to interact with her at the same energy level. Once she had dropped Rosie off at her room, she headed straight for her own to wake up her friends with food.

They had all grown a close bond with her sister, so they were hoping to hack into the school's surveillance on the test to keep watch over Rosie. Paris manages to get through their firewall easily and connects it to the HDMI cable in the TV in the clubhouse, so they don't have to crowd around a laptop.

Knowing that it's going to take a minute Galaxy decides to ask Ashley about last night, "Hey Ash, why was Rosie asking about the initiation last night?"

At this everyone freezes, and Ashley turns pale, "she randomly asked me about it, but I could not handle answering that, so I sent her to you."

Galaxy nods her head at this, "good, I just want to make sure she never finds out about it. She doesn't need to know."

The other girls nod their heads in agreement before turning to the screeen where Rosie is getting her target's name.

*Skip to naming ceremony*

"For your hacking skills and ability to come up with a plan on the spot you have been given the name, Killer Queen." Everyone in the auditorium cheered for the name, but th eloudest by far were the 4 girls who had watched as she hacked into house and tirned it into a living nightmare. Her signature ended up being a k with a crown that showed up on every screen she took control of.

(A/N I am open to new names for Rosie till the release of the next chapter because Killer Queen is not my best work.)

Once everyone has been named, the headmaster starts his speech for the student with the best score, "Now that names have been assigned, the student that did the best on this test showed remarkable skill in all areas attempted during the test, resourcefulness even when she didn't have the right equipment, and ingenuity with how she killed her target. This year's best student is Killer Queen."

The group starts screaming for her. Even her mother, who is in yhe viewing box above alone starts jumping for joy for her daughter, her pride soaring. She knows this will be the last she can see either of them before they graduate, so she is trying to make the most of it. When she finally settles down she glances towards her older daughter wondering what she meant when she said, the initiation is not something Rosie'll ever have to worry about, because she's making sure of it. Galaxy's face is full of pride, but also a great sadness, making her wonder why her daughter would be sad about anything today.

After the naming ceremony they all party in the Clubhouse celebrating her MVA (most valuable assassin) and her new name. Galaxy hides her sadness from the others, so that they don't worry about her.

Rosie seems to notice something is not right with her sister and kicks everyone out. "Alright G, now tell me what's wrong?"

Galaxy shakes her head ignoring her feelings, "I'm fine, nothings wrong." She feigns being confused, but her sister isn't buying it.

"Cut the crap, what is bothering you!"

"Fine you want to know!"

"Yes that is literally why I'm asking!"

Galaxy's face softens and she lets some of her sadness through, "I feel bad that I can't give you a real childhood and that you had to take a life already. I feel bad that you can't even talk to mother despite her being at the school. And I feel desperate to protect you from something that should never have become a thing in the first place." By the end small tears are falling down her face.

Rosie walks up to her wiping the tears away, "First, taking my childhood away was Father's decision not yours. Second, I could have chosen not to take that life, but I did it anyways. Third, Mother is not worth talking to if she doesn't want a relationship with either of us. And last but not least, you are protecting me more than you know."

"When the hell did you get so wise?" Galaxy laughs.

Rosie giggles too, "oh you know I had a lot of fortune cookies while you were gone."

Galaxy cracks a smile and pulls Rosie into a hug. "Since everyone's gone already, I have a present for you." She walks over to where they hide the phone, pulling it out she dials a number from memory waiting for someone to lick up.

"Hello" a gruff voice answers.

"Put Mark on the phone." Galaxy demands.

"This is Mark." They answer.

"Just put him on already" Galaxy almost yells in frustration. She does not have her emotions under control right now.

"Fine, fine." The gruff voice concedes.

"Hello," a deep voice answers.

"Mark, are you busy?" Galaxy asks ignoring the confusion on her sister's face.

"I got time, let me just move somewhere more private." There's movement on the other side of the phone.

Rosie starts asking questions, "Who are you talking to? It can't be our Mark! Can it?"

Galaxy hushes her as Mark comes back on the phone, "So what's up G? I thought you couldn't call me for another few days while Mother is there."

"Yes well I decided that we needed a little sibling bonding time so here's Rosie."

"Wait! You're with Rosie! Thank God! I was hoping you two would find each other."

"I told you I had people watching her," Galaxy rolls her eyes at him.

"Right, well put her on the phone!"

"Here you go Rosie," Galaxy says as she hands the phone to Rosie before sitting down on the couch cuddling into one of the blankets.

Rosie's voice is full of shock as she puts the phone to her ear, "Mark? Marky? Is that really you?"

"Yeah, Rosebud it's really me."

"But how?"

Mark is about to answer when Galaxy interrupts him, "I found out he was keeping tabs on me while I was abroad and decided to make contact."

"She makes it sound so simple, I was trying to keep an eye on her when I heard that someone matching what I thought my little sister would look like was traveling betweem mafia's that weren't allies with us and even some that were, so when she was at the one's that I had someone I trusted on the inside I checked in on her." Galaxy rolls her eyes, but Rosie is awwing at his concerns.

The siblings spend the rest of the night talking and getting to know each other a little, knowing that they probably can't do this again.

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