Snakey Stuff

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TW: S*x mentioned, Janus suffering (shedding), unsympathetic! Roman, mention of death, uncensored cursing, angst, comfort, and abuse mentioned, Remus being Remus, blood mentioned

(no one died and no one will)

~Virgil's POV~

It has been four months since Janus left Theoryn and Patton is back to visit. However, Logan and I will be going back to Sherin with him. I was quite excited. I would finally get to my friend again! He also had secrets he wanted to share, so there's that too. From what he wrote, it seemed like he was truly in love with Roman, which made me jealous for some reason.

"Child? Kiddo?! My dark strange son!" Patton raised his voice at me, which scared me. Patton never raised his voice, unless he wanted someone's attention, they weren't giving it to him, and he was losing his patience, which was hard for him. I jumped.

"S-Sorry. I was thinking." Patton's worried face melted into a warm smile.

"It's all right. Anyway, it's time to go if we want to be on time to watch the sunset." I nodded and followed Patton. Logan soon joined us, walking behind me. Is Logan limping a little?

"Hey, mom. How are you doing?" I got nothing but silence from him, his face bright red. He didn't answer and he stayed silent and looking ahead, not even sparing me a glance.

"Ok fine, geez. Don't talk to me." I rolled my eyes.

     Patton and I were talking and messing around on our way to Sherin with Logan staying silent the entire way. At least until I spotted his neck, which looked to covered in bruises.

"Logan what happened!? What are all those bruises!?" Logan looked at me, blushing furiously.

"They aren't bruises..." He looked away again.

"What? What are they...then...oh. My. Dear. Goodness. Patton. What the fuck!" Patton smirked.

"Ugh...It didn't help that I consented to it...mainly because I wanted to do it." He giggled innocently.

"You WHAT!?" parents...they..." I was lost for words.

"...I don't know how to feel about this. I shouldn't be as confused as I am..." Logan hid his face in his hands.

"I don't understand why I enjoyed it so much. You'd think Patton wouldn't be good at that sort of thing but he is!" I glanced between Logan and Patton a couple of times before laughing. Logan blushed harder as Patton smirked and climbed to his lap, kissing his neck gently.

Logan wrapped his arms loosely around Patton's waist as Patton rest his head in the crook of his neck and fell asleep, clinging to Logan tightly.

"This is too adorable to process..." I giggled.

"I know it is." A comforting silence fell over us as we began the long ride to Sherin.

We were silent the rest of the way, letting Patton sleep peacefully. Logan ran his hand through dad's hair the entire way there, being careful to not wake him up until we got there. Then Logan gently shook him awake. Patton sleepily opened his eyes and looked at Logan.

"We're here. You're at the palace in Sherin." He nodded, stood up, and got out with Logan and I close behind.

I looked out to see Prince Roman and Janus acting like two idiots in love, just like how Janus had described in his letters. They shared a kiss before Janus noticed me. He said something to Roman and came barreling towards me.

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