In the Heat of the Fire of War

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TW: War, uncensored cursing, smut/sex mentioned, Remus being Remus, homophobia
Thinking looks like this

~Janus' POV~

I laid in my bed, thinking of Remus. I know it's been months...but damn. Remus is fucking hot. I swear I could get some sort of sexual gratification if I looked at him shirtless if I tried hard enough.

Ever since we had that sex...holy fuck that night was glorious. He's amazing at that stuff...unlike Roman. Ok...I need to stop thinking about that night. But Remus...JANUS STOP IT. I UNDERSTAND THAT HE'S HOT BUT SHUT UP!

     A horn sounded then there were shouts and screams. I shot up. What's going on? Then there was the clanking of amour and loud booms. After a few minutes of this, Remus barged into my room, fully dressed, and scooped me into arms, carrying me bridal style. Loud booms sounded around us. I covered my ears, wincing at the loud noises. I looked around. The castle was on fire and the outer walls were crumbling.

Then I saw them. The Theoryn army, attacking the castle. In the last few months, I've forgotten about the war, mainly because I've been trying to get as many actives that Roman would disapprove of done. I was both panicking and calm. We were under attack...yet I was in Remus' arms. I swear I'm just a walking contradiction of myself and I hate it.

A cannonball landed near us, causing Remus to trip and tumble. He shifted his weight to make sure he would take most of the blow. He looked at me, making sure I wasn't hurt. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips, silently saying I'm ok. I'm going to get you to safety, my love.

I leaned in, missing the warmth of the kisses Remus gives me, and Remus himself, but he shook his head. Now was not the time. He got up and bolted.

He ran through the castle, through the hallways until we met a dead end. Remus' mother and people I did not recognize were there. Perhaps they were visiting royals from another kingdom. I blushed as I realized that I was still clinging to Remus.

"Oh thank heavens you're ok, Janus! Thank goodness you two both made it here in one piece. Come, introductions can wait, " Remus' mother said, pulling a hidden lever, the wall turning into a door. The unknown people walked into the tunnel, then Remus and I, then his mother.

Well, I wasn't walking. I was still in Remus' arms, listening to his heartbeat and feeling his chest rise and fall with every breath he took.

I yawned. I was tired and comfy, the relaxing feeling that I always got while in Remus' arm coursing through me. I sunk into Remus, finally falling asleep.

~Remus' POV~

The scramble to get Janus to the safe room underneath the castle began to catch up to me. My legs and chest began to ache. Although I have gone from my room to the safe room before, I normally walked, mainly because it was a drill or just in case. For my safety as they would say.

The second I realize that Janus would have no idea where the safe room was and probably didn't know what was going on, I bolted to his room, not bothering to explain. Mother knew where I was going.

Then that hit me. I just risked my life for the love of my life...without a second thought or hesitation. I am truly, truly deeply in love with him. I rather know that he lives a long and wonderful life over me. What have you done to me, snake? I love you so much.

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