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TW: Uncensored cursing, Virgil smacks the shit of Roman (you're welcome to everyone who wants to smack/kill Roman), unsympathetic! Roman, fight mentioned, Remus being very Remus-y, very gay stuff, smut mentioned sorta, cheating(?), rape mentioned

Thanks for the idea  Petoskey-Bear

Thinking looks like this

~Virgil's POV~

It was almost time to leave with Logan. However, I had one more thing I, needed to do. Where is he!? Where is my next victim? Why did I say next? I haven't killed anyone...yet. Then I spotted him with Janus.

"Roman Creativo!" I yelled, which startled both Roman and Janus.

"Hey. Can I speak to you in private?" Roman seemed skeptical, but he nodded. Janus kisses Roman on the cheek.

"I have a class with Remus anyway, so I should be going. Bye! Love you!" Janus walked off, grinning from ear to ear.

I walked with Roman into a more secluded area. After looking around to double-check no one was around, I slapped Roman. However, push turned to shove and what started as a simple slap turned into a full-on fight. I won of course. A small victory for me...and the oblivious love birds. Next thing next, it's time to set Remus' plan into action in a few hours.

~Meanwhile with Remus and Janus~
~Janus' POV~

     I sneezed as I walked into the ballroom.

"Ugh. Fucking allergies," I mumbled under my breath. My gaze had wandered to the floor, the main reason I accidentally bumped into someone. This someone was Remus.

"Oh! Re...mus! I didn't see you there! My apologies." I caught myself before I could call him that stupid nickname I called him in my head. It was never aloud.

Remus turned and look at me with a smile.

"Hey Snakey! You ready to practice?" I nodded and stepped into his arms.

"So...who has which lead?" Remus bit his lip and tilted his head to the side a little. Honestly, he's cute. Ok, quick question. How can someone be so adorable...AND HOT AT THE SAME TIME!? Is it even possible? Because if you say it isn't, Remus is proof that it is and it's irritating almost.

A hand was placed gently on my scaled cheek, the thumb gently caressing the scales. I leaned into the hand, closing my eyes, and made this purring-like sound. I tensed up because I didn't know who's hand it was, but relaxed when I realized it was Remus'. I could feel the blush creeping onto my cheeks as I heard Remus giggle.

" You're so cute! Hey, Jan? Would you like to converse in my room once Roman is asleep later this evening?" I nodded.

"Y-Yeah...that sounds nice..., " I melted even more as Remus pulled me closer. Remus may be a walking talking trash rat, but he had this scent to might be my heightened sense, but this scent reminded me of home, which is calming, to say the least.

"All right. Would you like the lead you normally take?" I nodded, sighing happily as this warm feeling filled my heart. What is this feeling? Why do I only feel it around Remus?

The Crown or The Duke ~A Demus story~ {Haitus}Where stories live. Discover now