Me And My Bestfriend: Chapter 1

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#~~~~ I really wanted to write so here is a first attempt~~~~#

As I let my eyes wonder around the room and then I came across my best friend's deep brown eyes giving me a quizzical glance. He wouldn't dare to actually look at me for longer than a second. That wouldn't be acceptable in public. He focused his attention back on Linsey, he wasn't really listening to a word she was saying, but still she tried to carry on the conversation.

"Are you alright babes?" Asked Jack, who I was now aware was sat next to me. Oh yes I should probably tell you about him. Jack is my boyfriend, sort of. Last year he told me I was beautiful when his blue eyes were staring directly into mine, I melted needless to say. He is 6'1 so he towered over me, his ginger hair flopped just the right way. He was perfect, shame about his personality. We have been together since then.

"Babes? Babes?!" "Hailey?" I realised I hadn't replied to Jack yet, I probably should.

"Yes Jack, baby?" I finally answered. He grinned at me, one of his I know you love me grins.

"For a second there I thought you were ignoring me?!" He said with a smirk on his face. Urgh I hate him sometimes.........

"No of course I wasn't. Why would I?" I replied not really paying attention, I looked over at Tom. I looked at Jack when I noticed.

"That's what I was thinking!" Jack mumbled. He was so irritating sometimes. I wondered if he knew what I was thinking because the look on his face changed. I realised that he was actually looking at Tom who was behind me. Tom saw we were both looking at him as he was walking towards us, he flashed an impressive white grin our way. He ran his fingers threw his jet black hair. Damn. It was hard having a best friend who was so hot, especially considering our past. Oh yeah I will explain that later.

Tom reached us finally after he was done doing a weird walk over here. He took off his jumper in the way that it revealed his six pack perfectly. Really? He does this to me when I'm sat next to my boyfriend on his 17th birthday party? Jack protectively put his arm around me and kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear,

"Don't worry Hailey babe I will be back in five need to get a drink." Why did he have to be so stupid to leave me with Tom? I guess his looks made up for it though.

"Okay hurry back" I replied and kissed him right on the lips, knowing Tom was standing right there. Jack hasn't been drinking tonight so he taste like berries from the juice he drank at lunch with me. Was I harsh by kissing because Tom was here? Oh well I already did it! Jack pulled back with a big smile on his face and got up. He winked at me playfully and walked away.

I looked up and Tom was awkwardly standing there. Great I was alone with him.

He sat next to me, where Jack was perviously and after a moment he said, "I have been wanting to talk to you all night, you look um nice in a way."

All I was thinking was son of a b*tch.

He leaned in closer and softly said,

"If I wasn't dating Angie I might tell you about how much I want to kiss you." He leaned back.

Oh hell no! I couldn't believe that he said that!

"Tom! For god sake you can't keep saying this kinda thing to me! Are you drunk or something?" I said when I notice he is staring alright at my blonde flat hair. Don't even bother, I told myself.

"He isn't right for you, you know? He isn't good enough. You deserve better." He is a judgemental pr*ck!" Tom began to slur. I simply got up and walked away. He hated every boyfriend I get not just Jack.

Now would probably be a good time to explain about me and my best-friend.

Two or three years ago I had a massive crush in him and it had been that way the whole time I'd known him. Yeah I know pathetic having a crush on your bestfriend. He took advantage of me fancying him. He used to kiss me when we were alone and flirt with me all the time. Just to get the action he wasnt getting anywhere else. Even if he had a girlfriend at the time he didn't care. I just didn't care either. But then he got together with Angie and the have been with each other ever since. He hasn't even hugged me since. He barely even talked to me. And to think I actually went out with him when I was little?

After him and Angie had been going out awhile I realised what was happening. He thought he loved her, at first anyone would. She was beautiful, skinny and had those blonde haired blue eyed model look about her. I was crushed by my crush! But I was happy to settle as friends, but he stopped talking to me as much.

And this was the result of him dating her and still dating her for the past two years.

I finally found Jack and began to walk towards him when u felt a strong hand tugging on my wrist. I turned around to see who it was. Tom. Of course.

"Tom! Let go of me! I want to talk to Jack!" I shouted but not even one person turned and looked.

"Don't worry Hailey baby! We will be back in 10 minutes tops! Come on!" He replied softly back.

I then realised where we were going. Sh*t! We were heading upstairs! I tripped on the first step as I wasn't looking. I tried to pull my arm free but Tom's grip was too strong.

When we reached the hall way at the too of the stairs. He opened the door to Jacks bedroom. Oh no. Please no. He couldn't do what I thought he was! He chucked me into the room roughly so I tripped an fell. Really? He slammed the door loudly behind him.

"Come here then baby!" He said to me as he laid down onto the bed.

Oh god. He was doing it to me again. He wanted me to kiss him again.

"No! Tom I'm not doing this! We haven't done this in ages! It's not normal for betfriends!! What's changed? I cant! I'm not doing this!!" I was going to scream at him.

He wanted to touch me again! But not in public. He stood up and walked over. He was angry and I knew it. He shoved me against the wall forcefully, he grabbed my waist with one hand and stroked my face with the other. I stared thoughtfully into his eyes, his looked at me all over hungrily. I wanted to protest but I couldn't. His face got closer and closer to mine. The stench of cheap beer and vodka. He ducked his head slightly and lips pressed into my collarbone. The wetness of Tom's tongue moved up my neck onto my jawline. I Just stood there breathing heavily like an idiot. Finally his lips met mine. He kissed me gently at first but then it got more powerful, his tongue found its way into my mouth. Our tongues played with each other for several moments, while his hands roamed my body gently. My eyes closed and my hands placed themselves onto the back of his neck.

All the feelings I have ever had for Tom were back. And they weren't the type of feelings friends have for each other.


What does everyone think?? Please comment saying if you would like me to keep writing or not?? Any advice?


Tia xx

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