Me And My Bestfriend: Chapter 9

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#~~~~ Are you ready for this bombshell?!~~~~#


"S my D bitch!" I yelled. I had found Hailey's freakin diary! It was official I was amazing! I found it by accident!! I shot up from the floor and did a few hip thrusts toward the empty air in front of me. I kneeled back onto the floor pick up the diary and place it back into the box. I clipped the metal clasps closed and pushed the tin aside. It had a pretty pattern on the lid, it had fairies and stuff like that on it.

I began placing all of the other little things back into the seat base when I came across an envelope wrapped in a rubber band. I decided to remove the band and have a look at what was inside because of curiosity. I was stunned at the contents. It was one giant stack of pictures. I pulled them out and flicked through them, most of them were of Hailey and her family when she was a baby. A couple were just of Hailey and her dad when she was about five, she looked so cute. I continued looking at the photos and passing them to the back the pile there was even one with Jamie, Lindsey and Hailey before they moved out. I was shocked because of how many there were of me and her, some were recent but most were from primary school. I actually laughed out loud when I can across one of her and Laura obviously drunk, ha that was my favourite by far. The last one was a picture of her and Jack, kissing. I wanted to rip it into a thousand pieces. It made me so angry to see her kissing someone else. I quickly put the photo to the back and stuffed them into the envelope. After wrapping the rubber band back around it I put everything else back into the base of the love seat. I slid the cushiony seat bit back on the base and grabbed the tin. I didn't want to get distracted by looking at anything else because I had already invaded her privacy as it was. I closed the door behind me as I dashed down the stairs away from her room. On the way down the the other stairs I didn't look at the photos I just went straight down with the tin. I heard people talking in the kitchen, Mrs Thomas and the guy must of still been in there.

"What did you tell the hospital then?" A deep voice asked.

"Don't worry me and Hailey didn't even mention you if that's what your wondering!" Hailey's mum replied. Why would it matter if they mentioned him who ever he was I thought to myself.

"Well is she alright? I mean for god sake I'm not that heartless!" He groaned.

I felt bad for eaves dropping so I made my to the front door. I quickly peered into the kitchen over my left shoulder. Mrs Thomas' back faced me so the unknown man faced towards me, his face was in the shadows so he was hard to identify but was tall enough so I could see. Shit! That was weird!

"Fuck." I mumbled after gasping. I rushed out of the front door so fast I could hardly see. I felt really dizzy but I ran all way down her street clutching onto the tin so tightly that all the blood rushed away from my fingers. I couldn't believe what I had seen, it was her dad. He was asking questions about Hailey but surely he would if known. What did her mum mean they hadn't mentioned him. His face had bruises and cuts and what looked like a broken nose. His hand was bandaged and in a sling but his knuckles were all scrapped. He had been in a fight? There was something really weird happening but I couldn't figure out what it was.

When I got to then end of the street I slowed down but carried on walk until I reached my house. I didn't have my keys so I rung the bell that wasn't holding the tin. As I stood waiting for someone to answer the door I checked the time on my phone it was around lunch time. Angie was coming over after she had lunch and when I say had lunch I meant after she puked up breakfast. I had just enough time to read some of Hailey's diary before Angie got there. Depending on what I found out I would visit Hailey again. I rang the door bell impatiently but then my mum opened the white door.

"Hi honey how's Hailey? Is she any better?" She asked as she let me in.

"Hi mum, yeah Hailey's fine. Angie will be here in a bit so do you think you could let her in?" I mumbled squeezing past her to enter the kitchen.

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