Me And My Bestfriend: Chapter 11

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#~~~~ I'm genuinely really sorry this chapter took so long to write an upload ~~~~#

Hailey's POV

My eyes fluttered open. I was still in hospital.

"So I guess this wasn't a nightmare then." I spoke my thoughts. A huge sigh escaped my lips. I looked around for a calendar to see how long I was out for, but there wasn't one in sight. Urgh.... That meant I would have to call the nurse in. I was so embarrassed about the outburst that I didn't want to face anyone.

"Well freaking done, Hailey! Great fucking job in screwing up your life." I hissed. I was so angry at myself for acting like dick. I knew I would have to face to consequences to my actions.

So I grabbed the little orange button by my bed and pressed it, calling in Sandra my nurse. She was a small women, with thick, greying-blonde hair pulled up into a tight bun. I would say she was middle aged, around about 43 I'd guess. Her eyes were a light green and they always had a glint in them. Laughter lines were sitting beside her eyes, but I don't think she minded as the rest of her skin was fantastic. I reckon her blue uniform was a size 12 so she still had a young figure. It suited her quite well. Honestly she was a pretty woman.

"Yes, dear?" She spoke softly as she headed towards me. "Is anything wrong?" I studied her for a moment. I wondered if she would mention my outburst.

"No not really. I just wondered what the date was please? Or of I could have a calendar in here?" I attempted to say politely. Flashing a small, fake smile her way. She now stood directly by my bed.

"It's the 29th today. Did you only just awake Miss Thomas?" She replied sweetly. She was being very polite.... It was a little creepy. She began to check my notes and my pain medication.

"Oh thanks. Yeah not that long ago really. Am I still aloud to leave tomorrow?" I question. I hoped I hadn't screwed everything up. I had everything put into casts, slings and bandages so the only thing stopping me was myself. Sandra looked at me for a moment. As if she was debating to tell me something.

"I just need to ask you a few things Hailey, is that alright?" She asked still looking at me. Ignoring my question.

"Uh, sure?" I spoke quietly clearly confused. She pulled a blue pen out of her top left side pocket and grabbed a yellow paged note book thingy from her right sided hip pocket. It was creepy because she always diverted her eyes away from mine but, that time she stared directly into them.

"How are you feeling?" She asked the million dollar question first. I respected the fact she didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point. She held the note book in her right hand and her pen in her left preparing to write down my answers. She was left handed unlike the three others who also check my notes.

"Honestly?" I questioned. I wasn't sure if it was rhetorical or not. Sandra gave a slight brief nod anyway. "I don't know how I feel. To be blunt I hate it in here. It smells weird, in a bad way. The walls are plain and boring. My friends, my boyfriend and my family haven't visited in a while. I'm beginning to thinking they either don't love me or just don't care. I don't even know what I can say and who I can say what to. I just want my life back!" I rambled. It all just came out so quickly! I didn't even have a chance to stop myself. It was silent for a few moments. Sandra held her gaze on me blinking slowly.

"Right...I see." Was all she said to the whole of that. After scribbling something down on the yellow pad she continued asking questions.

"Are you experiencing any pain anywhere?"

"No I'm not, that's the problem." I said looking directly into Sandra's eyes."How am I supposed to know if I feel better if I'm so hopped up on medication I can't feel anything!" She looked away from me before I could read her expression. When she took a step closer I felt the heat spread to my cheeks, realising what I had just said.

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