Me And My Bestfriend: Chapter 5

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#~~~~ Here is chapter five! I hope it's a good chapter!~~~~#


"Really?" I asked hopping he didn't mean it. Don't get me wrong I wanted him to mean it so badly but, I knew if he did mean it the two years of getting over him would of been a waste. To complicated, to fast!

"No. Joking! Yes! Of course, I mean look at all the guys staring at you! C'mon the bus is here!" Tom said playfully. I was so confused! He thought other guys thought I was beautiful or he thought I was?

We climbed onto the bus, paid and went straight to the back. As we sat in our seats Tom slung his arm around my shoulders. He did that a lot actually I remember taking more notice that time because of what he said. I had to wait until Fredrick's to ask him anymore questions because we made a pat once that we had to be honest in the booths. He couldn't lie to me there, no matter what!

"So did you have a good time at Jack's party?" Tom asked as he turned to face me. He still smiled at me like he was possessed, he looked so funny. I needed to ask him a bestfriend question related to Jack, but I would wait until Fredrick's. I would of asked one of my girl friends but I knew he was more experienced.

"Yeah it was ummm good, sort of. Talking of Jack I need to ask you something at Fredrick's........" I said casually. The arm around my shoulder stiffened slightly, I wasn't sure why. Maybe he knew what I was going to ask?

Tom opened his mouth to reply but the bus stopped so he close it without speaking. We both stood up at the same time and walked to the doors of the bus. His hand slowly slipped into mine as it ran down from my shoulder. We intertwined our fingers, for some reason I didn't feel awkward. In that moment we were back to normal forgetting about Jack and Angie. We jumped off the bus my hand still in his. It was cute until he said;

"Actually we probably shouldn't be doing this...... I heard Angie has her spies!", laughing as he dropped my hand. I was disappointed for a seconded but, I knew he was right! I could see one of her friends, Lucas, stood outside a shop. He was a great guy, but he got bullied a lot because of his sexuality so he became friends with Angie so she could protect him or something. He would of told her if he saw us, then she would of hated me even more.

"Yeah I guess you're right!" I said as we walked away from the bus stop. We walked in silence for a bit, I think we both just took sometime to think about what to say at Fredrick's.

The view was beautiful, it was cloudy and cold but, I didn't care. As we walked along the seafront I just stared out to sea, hopping a shark or something was going to fly out of the water and eat me so all my problems would go away! No one really knew that much about me and if I had problems, not even my friends, not even Tom knew all of it. My dad used to hit me, but no one knew. My mum and dad argued all the time, but the one time he raised his hand to her, she told him they were getting a divorce. Both my brother, Jamie, and my sister, Lindsey, had moved out already so I was the only one he hit. Tom didn't know he hit me, he would of gone nuts if he found out. My parents were most probably doing something to do with the divorce when I was with Tom.

When we reached Fredrick's Tom looked at me and said in his posh voice,

"My lady?" Gesturing towards the door. I giggled, he did make me laugh sometimes.

I pulled opened the door quickly and steppe inside. The heat it my face which made my cheeks go bright pink, if me blushing wasn't bad enough right?! The smell of coffee and full English breakfast lingered in the air like always. The waitress, Charlotte I think, nodded in our direction. You could tell we went there a lot! We just loved the privacy and the people where always really nice. Marie, Fred's wife approached us smiling, she looked really happy!

"Well hello you two!!! You haven't been in for ages!" She said quite perky. She was right we hadn't been there since summer, before the last year of school started. Jacks birthday was on the 24th of October and that was the day before! We hadn't been there for two months! Gosh.......

"How old are you guys Now? Usual table right?" Marie asked politely. She must of smiled all the time.

"I turned seventeen at the beginning of the month!" Tom said as he beamed.

"I turn seventeen next month... And yeah table ten please?" I said shortly after him. Marie began to walk us to the table commenting how much older we had gotten since we first came in. Once we had sat down in the booth she said she would come back in ten minutes to take our orders for Fred. Me and Tom just sat there in awkward silence until I couldn't take it any longer.

"Before we talk about last night and stuff, can I ask you a question? It's a bestfriend question so I need you to answer it. It's in your kind of area too?" I asked. That was really awkward. It was about Jack and how I wanted to take our relationship to the next level. I knew I shouldn't of asked a boy but, he was my bestfriend!

"My area? Oh right, sex? Sure go ahead!" Tom said smugly. I couldn't believe I was going to ask him that.



I couldn't believe Hailey was about ask me a sex related question! She thought I was some high and mighty sex god or something, it was like she thought I was a man wh•re! The truth was I had only had sex with Angie and she really wasn't all that amazing. Angie was the girl who lost her virginity at 13/14 at our school and every guy had probably slept with her at one point, maybe even some girls. I only got with her in the first place because I wanted to get laid! Neither of us knew why we stayed together honestly, she probably just ran out of people to screw! I heard Hailey sigh from across the table, I wondered what she was going to ask.

"Okay so me and Jack have been together for a year now," Oh sh*t I remember thinking! She wasn't going to ask what I think she was, was she? "Do you think me an him should 'do it'?" I knew it. Hailey was a virgin and I knew she couldn't stay one forever, but I couldn't stand the thought of her sleeping with someone. I felt the smile fall from my face, my teeth grit and my fists clench. I was so angry all the thoughts about the kiss went out of the window.

"What?!" I couldn't help but scream. Hailey winced and glared at me as everyone turned to look at us. My face was bright red, I could feel it. She stayed silent until everyone had looked away. Then she turned to face me.

"What was that about? Jeez!" She hissed at me. "I was just asking if you think he would go somewhere else! He told me he loves me so I know he wouldn't be using me! What's the problem?!" She whispered angrily at me. How could she not see how I felt? He loved her? Did she feel the same?

"He told you that he... he loves you? Of course he wouldn't go somewhere else! Are you mad Hailey? You really can't see it can you?!" I said just staring at her face, into her eyes.

"See what? What is there to see?! I don't understand why you are so annoyed?" She answered calmly. She was insane.........

"Hailey every guy I know would sleep with you! Do you know how many sleaze bags I have had to punch because they have said dirty things about you? No because I deal with it!! You are amazing, why can't you just see it already?" I said honestly, as I put money on the table for her so she could get a drink. When I heaved myself up and walked away from the booth I could feel Hailey's horrified glare on my back. I couldn't even look back when I reached the door, I simply pushed it open and left.


So Hailey and Tom didn't reveal their feelings in this chapter, sorry about that! Will Hailey and Jack finally do it? What about Angie? I don't even know myself! Ideas are always welcome!


Tia xxx

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