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   IT HAD BEEN an utterly hot day

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IT HAD BEEN an utterly hot day. The sun was boiling every person who stepped foot outside alive. Ellie didn't dare wear jeans or a jacket, she didn't even want to go outside. Later though, she would have to. The group had decided that since it was so hot, they'd stay in and just relax together. They had chosen Fuckshit's house since it was the 'nicest'. But Ellie was just sitting on her own couch right now, her father besides her, the television playing and a bag of chips in the girl's hand.

   "Thought you said you were done with him.. two years ago" Ellie's father didn't look away from the TV, only stared straight ahead with a strict voice. Ellie didn't look away from the movie picture either, she didn't care for his conversation enough. "Hm? who?" she mumbled, distracted by the blonde lady on television. "Those boys... blonde kid" Ellie wanted to sigh but kept it in. "I did, I am" she lied. If she had told her father about her and Fuckshit, he would've gone on an Olan-Ellie rampage and probably killed both of them.

   "Then why are you always with them?"

   "I'm not"

   Her father went silent, sighed, then rested his elbows on his knees. "I want you to stay away from them, and those girls. They ain't good for you... bad influences" Ellie wanted to slap him. It wasn't like he cared for her ever, so why did he care what was good for her?

   "Estee? shes my friend and I told you, i'm done with—"

   "All of em... don't let me catch you with them again" her father stood up, walking past her, out of the living room. She finally let her sigh out, then dropped her head back onto the couch cushion. Great, she thought.


Fuckshit's room smelt of weed, some type of strong alcohol and his body odor, which wasn't bad at all. "This is his house, where the fuck is this nigga at?" Ray huffed as he fell back into the spinning seat in the corner of Fuckshit's room. The group had shown up at Fuckshit's house at exactly 1:35, the time he told them to show up. But they were let in by Fuckshit's mother, who continued to tell the group that he wasn't here and hadn't been almost all day. "Literally where could he be? he doesn't have no other friends" Ellie chuckled at Ruben's words as she lay back onto Fuckshit's soft blankets.

   "They're upstairs! of course she's here!" Fuckshit's mom began to speak from outside his bedroom door, and not even 5 minutes after did Fuckshit bust through the door. A feeling washed over Ellie as she watched Fuckshit seem to zip up his black jeans and fix his gray shirt. She furrowed her eyebrows but kept her assumptions and questions inside. "My fault, I got fuckin busy" Fuckshit mumbled as he threw a black bag onto the floor. The boy hopped onto the bed and let out a long sigh. "It's so fucking hot outside yo" with the silence, Fuckshit looked up.

   The rest of the group was just staring down at the boy, all unimpressed with his lack of attention. "I got here as fast as I could, damn" he dropped his head back against his pillows. "Nigga it's fucking—" Ray looked over to Fuckshit's black clock sitting on his nightstand. "Fucking 3:00, we've been waiting here for almost two hours" Fuckshit kissed his lips and threw his hands up. "But I'm fucking here now, shit!" Fuckshit was acting so off, Ellie thought. He had so much tension building up, in his voice, mind, even in his hands. He held them close to his body, in fists.

𝖫𝖨𝖪𝖤 𝖨 𝖶𝖠𝖭𝖳 𝖸𝖮𝖴 | 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝟗𝟎𝐬Where stories live. Discover now