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   ELLIE'S EYES OPENED with a harsh jolt

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ELLIE'S EYES OPENED with a harsh jolt. The sound of snoring was beginning to wake her. Light shot in through the blinds, blinding Ellie the more she opened her eyes. She felt a warm blanket surrounding her body and something plush under her head. She finally sat up, opening her eyes fully. Ray lay bundled up on the longer couch, his hair covering his face. The house was dark, no lights were on and the television was off. The only light was the sunlight coming inside. Ellie yawned before standing up. She realized she was wrapped in Fuckshit's shirt. It was large enough that it fell past her hips to the top of her thighs.

   She smiled to herself before moving into the kitchen. Her throat was dry, as if she'd smoked away her life. She poured herself an ice water and took it back like a shot. As she stood in the kitchen, trying to remember the last thing she did last night, a loud couple of thumps came from upstairs. She thought Fuckshit must've been awake, so she dropped her cup into the sink and began to walk up the stairs.

   She heard a small groan from Fuckshit's room. She furrowed her eyebrows, confused by the sound. She moved closer to his room and began to wrap her hand around the door handle. Slowly, she pushed it open and immediately regretted it.

   In front of her, Angela lay on Fuckshit's chest, naked. Both of the teens had their eyes closed, but both bare. Fuckshit's hand was tangled in Angela's hair and his breath was heavy. "Fuck, shit, that was dope. Yo you—" as Fuckshit turned his head and opened his eyes, he went quiet. He stared at Ellie who had unintentionally grown tears in her eyes. Fuckshit quickly stood up, grabbing his boxers off the end of the bed. "Cut" he began, but Ellie scoffed.

   Angela turned over and quickly pulled the blanket over her bare breasts. "The fuck? is that why you wouldn't turn on the lights last night? she was fucking downstairs?" Angela asked, looking over at Fuckshit who had already ran in between the girl's, thinking another fight would break out. As Fuckshit went to speak, Ray appeared behind Ellie. "Yo, who's cook—" Ray's eyes went wide, then angry, then worried.

   "Fuck you, Olan"

   Ellie turned on her heel and rushed down the stairs, tears falling from her eyes. She wasn't really sad, or surprised, just disappointed. She had rushed to pull back on her shorts and grab her bag and shoes. As she began to leave, a hand grabbed her arm. "Cut" she turned around to see Ray holding onto her. "Don't, Ray. Honestly, i'm done fighting for him when he doesn't want it" Ray sighed as the girl pulled away and exited the house. She didn't know where she was going, she didn't want to go back home. As she walked down the street, she decided to head to Motor, having an extra key in her bag which she kept with her most of the time.

   AFTER ELLIE HAD left, Angela had stormed off in a rush after yelling at Fuckshit, but he just smiled at her. He couldn't help himself. Now the boy was sitting on the school grounds, alone, smoking a cigarette and thinking about absolutely everything. 10 minutes later, Ray was skating up in front of Fuckshit which caused Fuckshit to sigh. He stood up, grabbing his skateboard, but Ray had beat him to it. Ray hopped of his skateboard and dropped it besides him, pushing Fuckshit back down. Fuckshit looked up at him, shocked by his physical aggression.

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