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   THE HEAT FROM his body was insufferable, but Ellie didn't want him to move

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   THE HEAT FROM his body was insufferable, but Ellie didn't want him to move. Her hands were wrapped around Fuckshit's waist as he sat in her lap, resting on her thighs. The boy had a large bottle of alcohol in his hand, which made Ellie irritated, but she kept it in. Fuckshit was already batshit drunk and the pair had only been at the 'party' for an hour or two. She wasn't sure who, but someone had started up a party at Motor, and of course the group were the first to hear about it seeing that whoever started the party, needed permission from Ray.

   "...Nigga whatt? I was doing like 50 in a 35... coulda got pulled over but when you look like this" Fuckshit slid his hands down his face, implying that he was utterly sexy. He popped open the bottle of alcohol and shot a sip back as sweat dripped down his forehead. He then leaned back onto Ellie chest and looked up at her, just staring at her. "You so pretty" he whispered, and the girl shook her head, chuckling. "And you're drunk" Ellie pressed a small kiss against his lips and began to push him up.

   "Move, I gotta pee" the boy groaned and fell deeper onto the girl's chest, letting go of all of muscles and going limp so that his body weight was too much for Ellie. "Do you want me to pee all over the place?" Ellie asked, resting her hands on his hips. He looked up at her again, eyebrows raised. "Are you into that?" Ellie hit his shoulder, a disgusted look upon her face.

   "Fuckshit, ew, that's so gross" the boy let a genuine chuckle out, then fell off of the girl onto the free side of the couch. He continued to speak to the dark skinned boy next to him as Ellie stood up and began to walk inside the back of Motor. She pushed on the bathroom door only to see Stevie taking back almost the entire bottle of alcohol.

   Ellie thought, she must've hated seeing Stevie act out because he reminded her so much of herself. "Stevie" she hissed before snatching the bottle away. Stevie wiped his mouth before looking at her. "I just wanted to get drunk" he mumbled, looking up at her with worried eyes. "Well you're not so, go" Stevie moved passed the girl and out of the bathroom. Ellie then poured the rest of the alcohol into the sink, absolutely tired of seeing it everywhere.

   "I'VE MISSED YOU, THOUGH" Estee smiled a gentle smile as she leaned on the gate with Ellie. "Me too, are Bri and Rocco talking to you?" she asked. She felt guilty for basically using the couple for 'sad sex', just to get over Fuckshit. But now that she was actually with Fuckshit, she knew the couple probably wouldn't speak to her. "Yeah, I thought they were coming but I guess not" Estee looked around, searching for the pink haired girl, but she was no where to be found. Ellie kept her eyes on Fuckshit and his beautiful face.

   He was beginning to stumble into Motor, slightly tipping over as he moved down into the back of the shop. "Yeah yeah, i'll be right back" Ellie said, jogging to catch up to the blonde boy. She followed him as he moved into the front of the shop and fell onto the couch, dropping his head back again the cushion. "Baby, you're too drunk aren't you?" Ellie asked, standing over the couch while looking down at the boy. "Mmm, nope. It's so hot" he mumbled, lifting his hands up onto the girl's hips.

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